Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

4TH a TMf HARTFORD COURANT: Surfv, Augu.f 27, I960 Siafford Springs Willimantic Two Headquarters Set In Democrats' Campaign STAFFORD SPRINGS (Special) I nut Hill, West Stafford, acting Man's Bond Increased In Assault on Mother pastor of Staffordville Congrega WILLIMANTIC (Special) cation and fined $73 on a charge, Spring vacation will start on April Judge Joseph A. Mazzola in po-V wilful damage to private pro-21 with children returning to school on May 1. The school year lice court Friday increased bond 1 Cortez was arrested late end on June 23, 1961. from $200 to $1,000 ordering a day njght by Poiicemen Charles; Schools will also be closed for continuance in the case of Charles Coriaty and Louis Piazza after Teachers' Convention on Oct. 28; E.

Smith, 22. of Windham Cen-' an incident at Duke's Veterans' Day, Nov. 11; Thanks-ter until this morning. The con-45 Jackson St. Igiving from Nov.

23 at 1:00 p.m. tinuance was at the request of! Police said that Cortez shoved to Nov. 28; Good Friday, March Atty. William M. Krug appearing' his fist through a plate glass win-31, 1961 and Memorial Day, May for Smith.

jdow of the restaurant and as a 30. Police accused Smith of suffered lacerations of the! "i'-l Hi bA i hand for which he was treated atj ing his mother, Mrs. Helen Smith, several times in the face Thursday night at the Eastern Live Poultry Co. plant where she is employed. He also is ac- cused of damaging a door at the poultry dressing plant.

Smith faces charges of breach of the peace, assault and battery on his mother and wilful damage to private property. Driver Fined Elipido Burgos, 21, of 955 Main St. was assessed a total of $65 on charges of reckless driving and operation of a motor vehicle with- out a license. A nolle was filed in the case of George E. Hart, 33, of South Wind- ham Road, charged with reckless use of the highway by a pedes- trian, because his wife, Mrs.

Jud- a number of county 4-H Clubs in the morning and the Fair afternoon. It closes today (Cou-rant Maurice Murray). Stafford Democrats will set up two campaign headquarters in town for the Nov. 8 election, Attilio R. Frassinelli, Democratic town chairman, said headquarters in the First District will be in the old Post Office building next to the Smith grocery store in the center of Stafford Hollow.

Headquarters in the Second District will be in the Acker-man block on East Main Street in an office formerly occupied by the Building Loan Assn. Head Committees The following party members have been appointed to the various committees: Finance, State Sen. David J. Dickson, Rep. Benito Muzio and Renato Calchera and party treasurer, Louis N.

St. Germain; headquarters, Daniel Howley, Frank Tinti, Salvatore D'Amico, deputy Judge Libera Valentini and Frassinelli; new voters, Mrs. Patricia Greika, Mrs. Lorraine Satkowski, Mrs. Isabelle Zabilansky and Rep.

Calchera; publicity. Judge Edward Y. O'Connell; Reps. Muzio and Calchera; Frassinelli. Mrs.

Doris Devera, Vincent Greika and Alex Fontanella; transportation, Mrs. Mildred Howley and Reno Francini; absentee ballots, Thad-eus Satkowski, Arthur Bren, Senator Dickson, Rep. Muzio and Calchera. The Rev. Herbert Hosanna, former pastor of West Stafford Congregational Church, with Mrs.

Hosanna and three children are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Davis of West Stafford several days. Ralph Greene, son of Mr. and Mrs.

John C. Greene Jr. of Chest- Tolland Ruth Lojzim Appointed GOP Vice Chairman TOLLAND (Special) "Oper ation Registration" a program of registration launched by Repub- cii ljUJillH presenting Tolland County. WIC llldUlllctll It-LJ- The Tolland County Republican Associates will hold a Family Out ling and Rally Sept. 11.

at Lake ie Hart, did not wish to appear a short circuit resulted in 4- re Charles Kerri-against her husband. Attv. Wil- age to the motor of a refrigera-1 bPeakers enarics Kern gan. regional director and vice ham M. Krug appeared for Hart, tor the restauran Jresident of the LAW, and John Hart appearance court was A son was born in Windham 1, the aftermath of an incident earl- Community Memorial Hospital Pf hT JL ier in the week on Rt.

32 when Thursday to Hugh and Patricia fbr 1 ,1 he was struck by a car operated Pekarovic MacKinnon of 947 Main and Jofhn edu" by his wife. St. Aha born at the hospital optional director for the union 7 j- t- a Region 9, were coordinators for Hart, according to State Troop- the came day was a son to Donald ,0,, Willngton schools, has announced the calendar for the school year. Schools will open on Sept. 7 and will close for the Christmas holidays on Dec.

21. Schools will reopen on Jan. 3, 1961 and will close for the Winter vacation on Feb. 21 to reopen on Feb. 27.

illimsuitic School Graduates 151 Workers ILLIMANTIC (Special) The ck 14th annual summer ool of Regior i 9-A, Lruted Auto W01. j' A 1 ff maiJed cb-v d'nrf Fnda-V niSht The school was held at the Uni versity of Connecticut, starting n' During the dinner program, 151 1 r' l- Hlnn I A tt The last of the series of union summer services will be held at! the First Baptist Church Sunday, co nrohoi, dv Pa Vo1cAn tor of the host church. 1 vark)US churchcs wiU re. (pij- DrC-l'amS Sept 4 a 'lloliinii Voter-Making Listed Today In Town Hall HEBRON (Speciali The Board of Selectmen and town clerk willj be in Town Hall from 9 a.m. to 'noon today to make voters.

This is the first of three oppor- tunities for those who wish to be enrolled. Naturalized citizens snouia papers witn mem. Closing date for a clerk-carrier exam at Amston Post Office is Wednesday. Acting Postmaster John Perham said the job re- Post Office. The number is 'AC 8-3671.

nehume mines The Rev. John Cross and Mrs. 1 vi idinci, nod nainui against traffic and darted out into the highway as his wife was driv- Stafford Springs OES Picks Celebration Chairmen STAFFORD SPRINGS (Special) Past matrons and patrons of Baker Chapter, OES, were named chairmen of committees for the golden anniversary celebration of the chapter Sept. 24 in Ionic Temple, East Street. Mrs.

Dorothy Crouse, past matron, will be mistress of ceremonies and Fred Whitaker, past patron, general chairman. Other committee chairmen are: Chapter history, Mrs. Isadore jSharpe and Mrs. Rua Barrows; reception. Mrs.

Martha Chapman. "'8 her brakes, Tasker said, but was Thursday at a hospital in Brook- Tolland County the ring before the eighteenth in Vernon Fri Storrs Post Office Seeking New Workers STORRS (Special) Applications for substitute postal clerks' and carriers' examinations for this post otfice will close Aug. 31, 'it was announced by Postmaster Joseph A. Douda Friday. Notice of the closing dale was given by the Civil Service Region Board of Examiners.

Anyone wishing to apply must file with tne USCS examiners, Post Of- fice, Room 337, Hartford. Cnvpiif rv Driver Appeals $12 Fine to Superior Court COVENTRY (Special) -Edward M. Dailey, 30 of Wall Street. was fined $12 i on a charge ot Uotf tu i half of the high-; failure to grant J- 111 jiisuic lumi ruud, uui iw, He posted a $100 bond. In other! cases, Robert M.

Friedenberg 30; of Storrs, was fined $50 for speed ing; Richard A. Olbrias, 21- of Old Oak Trail, breach of peace, $20. Miss Andree Lemieux, 35- of South Willington; Nelson J. Bak- ken, 29, of Chaplin; Orvis E. Bun ker, 54, of North Coventry; Tho mas tararco, 24 ot Fimock Road, and Elmer A.

Mortensen 35, of Main Street, improper parking- $3 each. Somers Two Teachers Appointed by School Board wiMFP fWian Tho RnsrH SOMERS (Special)-The Board day. Members of set up exhibits began in the Photo by I the hospital. Angel Luis Damos, 21, of 50 Mea- dow St. who police said was with Cortez was given a 30-day jail sentence suspended for six months after being convicted of a charge; of obstructing an officer in the! performance of his duty.

Alfred! Duclos, proprietor of the Jaek- son St. restaurant, testified in the Ramos case. A continuance until this morn- ing was ordered in the case of Raymond Devine, 36. of 42 Val-: nut St. who pleaded not guilty to charges of intoxication and breach of the peace Fire Call A detail of firemen under tain Raymond Sullivan riday was called to the Shell Chateau where anu iL.iuia twvv jutuo ui ti 1 i Main St.

Mrs. Blumie Gould klyn, N.Y. after a long illness. lmnn(T hop enrrn-nre ie Honrrh.i Iter, Mrs Harry Chait of 32; ujuwuuu 11 vjuuiu iidu livcu in Brooklyn for a number of years. Official Vacationing Mrs.

Mary Josephes. clerk of the Board of Selectmen, is having! her annual vacation. ey to take with them. Part of this will be used for the evening! imeal on the way home. All team players are to attend the Boston game in clean and pressed uniforms, according to Jav Gorden who is in charae of transportation.

Food Sale The Women's Auxiliary of the Coventry Volunteer Fire Assn. will have a food sale during the dav of Sept. 3 at the South Cov- entry firehouse. Mrs. Joseph is Penpral rhairman in Rockville.

Miss Cathie Labrie is associa- Thn fi close at 4 p.m. when all exhibits, may be removed. Willington Clerk Needed To Fill School Office Vacancy WILLINGTON (Special) -The Au nced 1 i 1 i litem oidie viiuuiiidii cumii n. assisted by chapter past matrons i May will have Registrar Ruth and patrons: decorations, Mrs.1. unable to avoid her husband, who ot? lrrrnL-an in tna rj ir nnrt lni.

ed on his back in the highway. ocmcm-ru iw iiau Anthony Cortez. 31, of 219 Moun- tain St. was sentenced to jail for 10 days on a charge of breach of the peace. He was given a 30- day jail sentence suspended for six months ona charge of intoxi- I'ovenlrv Clinic Set Up ToGiveSalk Vaccine Shots COVENTRY (Special) The 114 resiaems wno reewvea uieir si shots of Salk polio vaccine at the Auz.

3 clinic have been ureed to take their second shots at the clinic Tuesdav at the Public TO THE RING: A young Miss leads her prize heifer to one of the opening events of annual Tolland County 4-H Fair Willllliailtic Two Firms Boost Tax Collection WILLIMANTIC (Special) -City tax collections which have shown a decided lag took a big bounce upward Friday. Tax Collector Roger F. Paulhus said that be- Itween 9 a.m. and noon tax pay- ments of nearly $100,000 were received by his office. Exact collections for the morning were $98,267.47.

The total included payments by two of the city's industries, the American Thread Co. and the Willimantic division of the Jooes and Laugh-lin Steel Corp. More than $2,0,000 remains to be collected, before imposition of a one per cent penalty on delinquent accounts. Fieid Dav Set The Recreation Commission will sponsor a field day in Rec reation Park Wednesday. Alder man Robert H.

Mustard, commission chairman, said that for the first time the commission will present two loyalty awards during the program. One award will be presented to a boy and a girl. Swimming and diving contests will be held Wed- Center Street. On arrival of fire- at the box there was no one in me VlLimiy. Dear in mice C0Urt this morning.

Walter Terlecki, 31, of Manche- The second polio clinic will be heid in the basem*nt ot tne Aidsuu muses nmuc TVift ii'ill Ko flnon A thp public. Member Drive The Willimantic District, Conn I Mark, West Stafford. The day is should take the payment on the open to all regardless of party I first day of school for the amount affiliation. Food will be sold and 'of milk they plan to purchase for games for children are planned. the three days in the first school The food sale will be sponsored! week.

by the Tolland County Republican' More information on the hot tional Church, will supply the pulpit at West Stafford Church, Sunday morning. Seth E. Schofield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Schofield of Staffordville, is stationed at Bradley Field, Windsor Locks, with the Allghany Air Lines.

He was formerly stationed at the Municipal Airport in Providence, R.I. Surprise Party Edward French was given a surprise birthday party at his home by 50 relatives and friends attending the party from Rock-ville, Stafford, Palmer and Mon-son, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. William Matchett and Mr.

and Mrs. Melvin Taylor will be in charge of the Univer salis! Church public card party tonight at 8 at the church parish house. Announcement has been received of the birth of a son to the Rev. and Mrs. Alexander Meek of Orange, former residents of Stafford Hollow.

The father is the former pastor of the local Universalist Church. Services at the Baptist and Uni-veralist churches at Stafford Hollow will be resumed Sept. 11. Back from Seminar Raymond J. Baxter of Prospect Street, president of local Union 558, Springfield, has returned from Madison, where he attended a training seminar of the institute on labor relations at Madison University.

Jane and Thomas Bradbury of Winter Park, are spending the week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Primo Bachiochi of Chestnut Hill, West Stafford. Chaplin Grade School To Start Hot Lunch Sept. 12 CHAPLIN (Special) The hot lunch program in the elementary school will begin Sept.

12. th.t unun iK mia. iich.ii viictnu is me vuuiv and Mrs. Ruth Randall will assist "t-i. When school begins Sept.

7 the recess and lunch milk will be available. There is a charge of five cents a container. Children im m.L- A voter-making session will be held in Community Hall from 9 a.m. to noon today. Those who plan to be made voters must have resided in this state for one year and in the town for six months.

Naturalized citizens must take papers. 2 Teen-agers Suspected of Anfn Tlinff AUIO ineit cnargea wnn ine meit ot a car owned by Edgar Metcalf of Rt. 44, Willington on Metcalf reported the theft to State Police Thursday mornina been stolen in Central Falls. R.I. was found ahandnned near Met.

home. State Police believe ule two abandoned the Rhode Is- and car before taking Metcalf's car and I.ahoni wpt-p ro. turncd Geor8e Law' rence and Hubert Goss of Stafford 1S "arracKs'. 1 nnmpv invpctiPatorl Toomey investigated. I'oliimhia uur nou uud One hundred twenty-five persons were present at the Republican roundup and refresher workshop held Friday night at the home A woman for general work at Light House Restaurant after Labor Day.

AC 8-3097. Advt. Will lake care of child at my weekdays. AC 8-9300, Advt. New Cases NEW YORK There will be Health Nursing Assn.

office. The, Several local 4-H club members someone who 1S available nesday at Lauter Park, hours will be from 11 a.m. to 1 are assisting with the Tolland six da's a week between 7 a.m. Firemen were called out and 6 to 8 p.m. I County 4-H Fair today at the Tol-and 6 m- iday afternoon by a false alarm Tha riinin hD fm- ua rt i Anyone interested may call the at a box on Union Street near children and adults.

Dr. Robert1 P. Bowen, health director, will! minirfor fV, trostmWc TWo't ,1 rreu tviiiiaher; lavois, rti i. 1 Fred Whitaker and Mrs. Grace Ford.

Special marshals for the 50th anniversary will be Mrs. Elizabeth Burns and Mrs. Pauline Kaplan. Child Improving James Lyon two year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.

James Lvon of the Orcuttvule section. is' reported to be improving in Manchester Hospital, where he is recovering from a broken right leg. The boy was knocked down by a neighbor's dog near i home. He will be confined at the hospital in traction for about three weeks. The Cyril Johnson Woolen Mill closed Friday afternoon for the annual vacation for employes.

The plant will resume operations after Labor Day. session for making new voters be held today in both dis. linn nf llio AanH' irritton hr John T. Foster, new administra tor of Johnson Memorial Hospital, has been published in the current isslie of the Hospital Digest mag national i 1 I 1 will be a nominal charge of 50 lowing members are acting as fP and Eugene Chase Man Arrested cents per injection. exhibit superintendents: Barbara:" Md' are at R-Bant of RFD ik their summer home Shadows-il.

North Franklin, was arrested Co-sponsoring the clinic with Doggart, booths; Elen Adamsj foiinro bL 1 duu i with their son-in-law and Friday on a charge of failure Dr. Bowen is the PHNA with Mrs. record books and Gail Cargo, c. ic fn ioi! i daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

John Si-: to pass to the left of an over- hh full-time loca ecreation and rural arts ibunThe chases' other daugh-! taken vehicle, public health vBJ.ng nurse, and, Exhibits be open to tne Bettv Trimmer and her Policeman Louis Piazza said Mrs. Wilma Grenon, her assist- general public at 9.30 a.m., children' from Florida B.7ant's car hit the rear an and a part-time vis.tmg nurse, judging in sheep at 10 a.m., and y. a shadowsmark. iof a parked car owned by Tris-Volunteer workers will assist with a horse show at the same time; MfS Barnes 3(J js a tram HKarpot of 89 High St. on the program.

and lunch at noon. The fair will ient jn Manchester Memorial Pleasant Street. Bryant will ap- of Education named Charles! tricts. New voters will be made in dna; Chapman of Farmington, Maine, the First District at the old Town Xursery Cooperative, has ap-: WILLINGTON (Special. as mathematics teacher in Grades Hall building, Stafford Hollow, pointed committee chairmen for Two Pawcatuck youths are being 7 and I from 9 a.m.

to noon and in the the new year. held at the Tolland County Jail Chaoman taueht six vears in at VVarren Memo-1 They are: Mrs. Ellen Nogas. under bonds of $4,000 each on uiapman taugnt six jears in; Hall from 1 to 6 p.m. moonc Vn t.

Waterville Maine. Jumor High Da(e for the annua, familyPpic.as and Bertha Vo- au theft charges. School. Before that, he taught thg Rotary ciub bas been bonl, supplies; Robert John Pappas and Felix O. La-nine years in Bethel, Maine and set (Jr ge)t Ume gnd ace equipment; Mrs.

Isabel Weigold, Bonte, both 19, are scheduled to uatef omXFa Publidt: in Slafford Bor- State Teachers College, where he rS'Sed "Hospitaliza-1 Cross have returned from their, ster and formerly of this city, and Mr. Cross will re-1 was arrested late Friday in Man-sume his pastoral duties in the Chester on a non-support charge pulpits at Hebron and Gilead Con-: at the request of Willimantic po-gregational churches Sunday, lice. Terlecki will appear this Service at Hebron is at 10 a.m. morning, and at Gilead at 11:15 a.m. Polio Clinic anyone no nas not oegun meir series of Salk shots is also urged to attend.

Voter-Making Session Residents are reminded of the voter-making session today from 9 a.m. until noon at the South Coventry firehouse to be conducted by the Board of Admissions. Climax Chapter, OES. will have a public barbecue Sunday from noon to 2 m. at the Masonic Hall in Merrow.

Provisions will Lj a. m.nj counter will be run by Stafford! Republicans. Willington Mrs. Gaucher Lists Chairmen For Cooperative WILLINGTON (Special) Mrs. Anne Gaucher, president of "ieum.i aim mu.

oean iwc- Dowe11- regislration and Mrs. Isabel Weigold, teacher procure ment. Mrs. Bertha Vonasek who was A few openings in the kinder- garten and the nursery are still I''! fJf nn or inn Hin i i rrn "si inn a ar a.m. i-no wont ummi i y-1 i ana Liuiureii.

iyuui anu jan es ui Charleston South Carolina, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Parks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherman Daughety of South Will- maiored in junior nign scnooi education.

Miss Dorothy M. Joseph of East Loncmeadow, will i 1m I'ikkn "'7 ruuer scnooi. one was urauuatcu! from Our Lady of Elms College, Chiconee. where she ma- i be made for dinners to take daily. The worker is needed Further information may be tained from Mrs.

William Jordan, general chairman, of Storrs, or azine, a publication. the fjrst piesident of the organi. and on Thursday afternoon. Nor-The article is a brief summary! walk Police reported they found of Foster's thesis while a student atlon las ear as voted an the car and arrested the youths, at the Yale University in Hos-: honorary member at large. Latei another car which had cil of Catholic Women, will open'jored jn elementary education, a membership drive Sept 11.

she practice taucht in West Mrs. Walter S. Haven of town.iuc,.f'' ip sldlu'Bi Administration, research lnr 'c'u a based on a study of 940 pa- Tickets will be sold at the door.i? LJk.lljClllllll nilUCI 3U11 Ul Lewis Hill Road will be general tients at the General Hospital available. Stamford, where Foster was serv-j Church Service ing as assistant administrator. Jerry Parizek, Raymond Ma- The author learned that patients Ither, Gilbert Farrington and Har- age 65 and over were occup LaBonte.

all lay members of white elephant sale todav and. first 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the corner of at'e chlld Piously and Temple streets. The''ered may 2 'm schools.

Fellowship Trip, Miss Margaret Knights is guest lf her uncle and aunt, Mr. and 'Mrs. George Shiffert of Nutley, i n.j. The Congregational Church Pil (Trim Follnwshin snent Fridav r' i sightseeing in New York City ac companieu uy iwv. Knight and Walter Ta lor t.

ZaZ: 1. in. at a District meeting St. Jo- soph's Hall Friday night. The Rev.

William J. Baldwin of Norwich, Diocesan moderator, and the Rev. James A. Curry, district moderator from this city, were the speakers. Toll ami School Board Awards 3 Contracts I011 11 bfds dVClcKc -y 1" 2 ii-if lu'inA thit nt iiAnnnnx tictuuma.

imc aucu lid C1 nil inn 1 rtn irh ic ttr thrnn hat ''ss Caroline Mirtl, of West il- lington. Registrations for new children: in their ciassrooms the tne next day Blls Schedules School bus schedules a.m. 10 noon ai nimncion v.en- sala is sponsored bv the Women Missionary Group 'of the Eber School. Children entering first ASHFORD (Special) Mrs. Dunham "Memorial Baptist frade hah a b'rth, rt-, William Johnson of Rt.

89, War-Church of Mansfield Depot of f'Cate- ch'ldren haJ renville has selected the follow-which Mrs. Anderson is president. 3 nT CaT in committee to assist her with Baseball Plav Offs i schools wlU reoPen an advertisem*nt campaign for The second of three Dlav-off 1 7- A Staff meetin2 wlU thc A-shford Community Birthday cames for chalionsWo of 2e hld Cenler Tue1; Calendar: Mrs. Edagar McCul-games ior cnampionsnip 01 me dav in nn Tiarhpr ui gs nearlyjTown Notes Mrs.l"'"1, cu WUB "O- Emily Coleman in her home. Prize winners were Mrs.

Agnes Club was entertained by Anyone interested in part-time custodial work at Hebron Ele- mentary bcnooi is asKea to con- 1 1 TV 1 1 rmcipaiftiL nd.u u. school between 9 a.m. and 4 fr tart nf in Sentemher I 1 Asllf lird Mrs. Johnson Lists Committee For Calendar mcK 01 L'Wi nodu- 'vus- vvanen n. Mra iwaHIJJ'-ll Ul iVli ll.l, i'iiu, ill linn ot Hall.

Pond Road. (Mrs. William Buckingham, North Road and Mrs. Paul Alcorn, Mrs Svjek Willing-ton Grange. A youth installation team ii ii' in iir li ill i viiw i i 1 1 ill.

hasz of Ri 89. Warrenvillc at the Johns0n Memorial Hospital in Staffold Mrs- Juhasz is inun iwianj. I Calvin Fox will occupy the pul- pit at the Warrenvillc Baptist Church Sunday at the 11 a.m. worship service in the absence of tlio Rpv Paul Kirm Mr and Mrs. King arc visiting his parents in Lnion it y.

where they expect to remain until Sept. 5., Loftus Mrs Gladys Atkins Fours iwrs. rranKiin roiiausoee. (Special)-The three The hostess served special re-'At KoIL Observance freshments in honor of the 50th! bus routes recently opened for awaroea 10 vviih.ii me cmuiui v-ncij as an tii couraging trend. WILLIMANTIC, (Special the east will appear here Oct 24 in a program which will be one of the features of the 75th anniversary of the San Jose council, g.dnu Kingm wnu- on u.

ddi-ui Md.u r.iudv. Wimatelv the same as la.st vear.r weddmg anniversary o. Mrs. iiding barber shop quartettes in jiuio raswneiu anu aons 01 owivtus. ington.

Parks is a Chief Damage of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Lewis Controlman USN presently serv- of Woodland Terrace. Mrs Lewis ing as an instructor. Fleet Train-j said the "Nixon Belles," who es-ing Center, Charleston Naval corted political candidates to the Base, Charleston S.

C. jFair Friday have been invited to Postmaster Edward Bradley of the GOP booth at the Brooklyn the West Willington Post Office 'Fair this afternoon and evening. IV-uhj i nouneQ 01 anyi Elizabeth Robertson of i 81 De um torn Suffield will install officers grade teacher. She Ls a graduate; Scpt. ,4.

of willimantic Teachers College A dailghter was born on Tues- uilh venrc nf in American Lphdiip nf the Coven- American league ot tne coven Ln a Plains Athletic Field. Playing will be the Indians, winners of the second half, and the Yankees uinnors of ik firrt half The first play-off game held this week won by the Indians; hu a nf on' nnvc Anwil il ,1 ,111 teams With 13 adults Will attend a BOS- ton hcd ws-thicago Wh.te Sox fTrZrZTZ Boston team. a.i inose ai uKimg nave neen a.m. at School on try Gram cither the Robertson Sc Cross Street or Covent mar jicnooi on iomc 31 and to bring lunches. Paivnts have been asked to pn'e their sons not more than $3 lor spending mon-.

clerk in that Post ottice will: "XZ ta1 daT oI the Lnanpwl Ut iine Dl8 day ot me onsen ance jhas announcod that the closing for appiications or substi. be Aug 31- FAYETTEVILLE. Ark. UPl p. .11: Art -U somcooay noie n.s uusmess-au The unidentified burglars picked ford Spring, the Board of Educa- ma Frassinelli was low bidder for 60 passenger buses at thirty-four eenis per mile for the first 70j miles and twenty-five cents per 1 vt 1 1 nnrn ri i nt nn nnni inr iimii be on a three vear basis.

All of Tollands bus routes are hand'ed by Frassinelli. 1I1C OUani gWaruVU Hie CUIILI dVl for fuel supply to Samuel Blon-j stein of Rockville and the milk' supply for the lunch program to Dairyland Inc. of Stafford. tv, dj tative budget for next year which it will explain in detail at its 13 meeting with the Hampton Son In Pulpit The Rev. Charles A.

Hainer. pastor of Newent Congregational i. nil nnn iiiii niT'imi; i 1 1 'Concreational Church pulpit Sunday morning. He is the son of the Rev. Herbert M.

Hainer, UclMUl Ul 111C ndlll(nuil v.lllllv.11 The elder Rev. Mr. Hainer is on vacation, and will be back in his pulpit Scpt. 4. Driveways and parking area at: iv, De.

nruvo am now being paved. The post of- fice expects to move into its new quarters in the very near futrure. i Xow London. she did extensive imi i ii i tj 4 in substituting in Willington last yPar' Knan grade. He Ls also a graduate of; Willimantic Teachers College and has had four years as teaching- principal in Lisbon.

Kaplan is married and two rii di-pn. nc ill make his home in Willi- mantic. MiSS Caroline Mirtl. principal of with a parade and banquet. Oni jd Oct.

30, when the celebration scs- a High Mass will be members. Finnish wood pulp will supply- a new naner mill at Pereira. Co- lombia. up his temporary fireworks stand an estimated 530.000 new cases of and carried it off. The remains' cancer in the U.S.

this year, ac of the stand were deposited in a cording to American Cancer so-lot. The fierworks were not found. defy calculations. CO.

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.