Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (2024)

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Create a customized cookie banner for your website with our cookie banner generator. Your cookie banner will help you comply with data privacy laws while building trust with your website users for FREE!

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (45)

Create a cookie banner preview with our tool demo below:

Display Style

We use essential cookies to make our site work. With your consent, we may also use non-essential cookies to improve user experience and analyze website traffic…


Banner Color

Button Color




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Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (56)

How It Works

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (57)

Scan your site using our website scanner.

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Review your cookie banner settings and customize as needed.

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (59)

Embed your automatically generated cookie banner.

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (60)


Generate a Cookie Banner

Enter Your Website URL

To help you create a cookie banner that is compliant with worldwide legislation, we must first scan your website for cookies.

Custom Cookie Banner Solution

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Match Your Website & Language

You can edit your cookie banner colors, fonts, position, user location, language, and more!

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (62)

Responsive & Lightweight

Our cookie banner works on any screen size.

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (63)

Works on Any Platform or CMS

Our cookie banner will work on your website, blog, ecommerce store, WordPress site, and more!

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (64)

Built By Legal Experts

Our solution is created by our talented engineers, who are guided by our expert legal team.

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Automatic Updates

Easily collect user consent needed to comply with the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive with our customizable cookie consent banner.

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (66)

Easy Installation

Simply copy and paste an HTML code snippet to your website, and your cookie banner will appear.

Generate Your Cookie Banner

Enter Your Website URL

To help you create a cookie banner that is compliant with worldwide legislation, we must first scan your website for cookies.

Cookie Banner Generator Features

Ourfree cookie banner generatoroffers many additional features:

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (67)

Discover Cookies on Your Website

Ourwebsite cookie scannerwill first search every page of your site for cookies, automatically categorize them, and compile a list of each cookie and its details for you to review. Then, we will automatically find and categorizes your cookies into six types of cookies:

  • Essential
  • Performance and Functionality
  • Analytics and Customization
  • Advertising
  • Social Networking
  • Unclassified

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (68)

Automatically Block Cookies

Allows you to enable automatic blocking of cookies until your website visitors give you consent. This is essential to complying with cookie legislation like the GDPR. Our cookie banner tool will automatically block third-party cookies and scripts for you until a user has consented to them.

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Cookie Banner Customization (Multi-language)

We have multiple cookie banner customization options: select colors, fonts, display style, banner position, and more. You can also use our built-in themes.

Beyond the style and placement, we also offer customization options for location, and language. For example, we can display your cookie banner in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (BR), Polish, Hungarian, Greek, Finnish, Dutch, Danish, and Swedish.

Select as many as you need — languages will be auto-detected based on visitor IP address.

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Customized Cookie Policy

Once you’re finished generating your cookie banner, our cookie policy generator will automatically use your inputted information to make a policy outlining your cookie usage. This policy is required under various data privacy laws.

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Cookie Legislation Compliance

Our cookie banner solution will help you comply with cookie regulations, like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ePrivacy Directive (EU Cookie Law), and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (72)

User Consent Management

Our cookie banner generator is part of our comprehensivecookie consent manager, which allows you to create a customized cookie use and preference banner, implement cookie blocking, embed a preference center, and more.

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (73)

Consent logs, DSARs and “Do Not Sell” links

You need more than just a cookie banner to be fully compliant. You are also required to give your visitors a way to request info about their personal data, submit a data deletion request, and more.

We provide you with an embeddable Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) form and a “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” link that you can easily add to your website.

Generate a Cookie Banner Now

Enter Your Website URL

To help you create a cookie banner that is compliant with worldwide legislation, we must first scan your website for cookies.

Learn About Cookie Banners

Guide:What Is a Cookie Banner?|Cookie Banner Requirements|How To Install a Cookie Banner|FAQ

What is a cookie banner?

A cookie banner is a notification usually displayed upon a user’s initial visit to a website that:

  • Informs the user of the website’s cookie usage
  • Provides information about consumer rights regarding internet cookies
  • Requests user permission to store cookies on user devices
  • Links to a cookie policy and a cookie preference center

Do you need a cookie banner on your website?

If your website uses cookies, and especially if people in the European Union (EU) use your website, you must meet the various requirements for consent.

These requirements include having a cookie banner informing the users that your website collects data and giving them an option to opt in, opt out, or set their cookie preferences.

Learn more

Do you need a cookie banner on your website?

If your website uses cookies, and especially if people in the European Union (EU) use your website, you must meet the various requirements for consent.

These requirements include having a cookie banner informing the users that your website collects data and giving them an option to opt in, opt out, or set their cookie preferences.

User consent is only valid if your website gives detailed information about how it gathers, stores, and uses personal data.

Types of cookie banners

There are two types of cookie banners you can implement, depending on which data privacy regulation you need to comply with.

Explicit Cookie Banner (Opt-In)

An explicit cookie banner requires the website user to opt-in or give explicit consent to the website’s use of cookies before cookies begin collecting data.

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Types of cookie banners

There are two types of cookie banners you can implement, depending on which data privacy regulation you need to comply with.

Explicit Cookie Banner (Opt-In)

An explicit cookie banner requires the website user to opt-in or give explicit consent to the website’s use of cookies before cookies begin collecting data. Using this method, you will ensure the customer must perform an affirmative action, such as clicking on the “Accept” button, which confirms the user’s acceptance of your site’s use of cookies.

Implicit Cookie Banner (Opt-Out)

An implicit cookie banner allows users to access the website without giving their consent to allow cookies and must include the following elements:

  • Information about the types of cookies that the website uses and the purpose of using those specific types of cookies
  • A notice about the right to opt out of the sale of the personal data collected via cookies
  • A link to the website’s cookie policy

Whether you must use an implicit or an explicit cookie banner varies by the location of your users.

Our cookie banner generator will create the proper cookie banner according to where your users are coming to your website from.

How does a cookie banner work?

When a user visits a website, the cookie banner appears on the screen as a type of pop-up. Each company and website reserves the right to design its banner to fit its branding style. The only thing that no company can change is the required content.

Learn more

How does a cookie banner work?

When a user visits a website, the cookie banner appears on the screen as a type of pop-up. Each company and website reserves the right to design its banner to fit its branding style. The only thing that no company can change is the required content.

The cookie banner must always inform the website visitor that the site uses cookies, why they use them, what kind they use, and how they can customize their preferences.

Depending on the settings chosen by the website owner, the user’s choice to consent to cookies should determine whether cookies get activated during the user’s session. This choice prevents data from being collected until the user gives permission, thereby keeping the website compliant with privacy laws.

How to install a cookie banner

Termly makes creating, customizing and installing a cookie banner on your website effortless. Ourcookie banner generatorwill have your site compliant with cookie laws in a few minutes.

You simply have to scan your site using our tool, then follow our easy-to-use interface to complete the process of becoming cookie compliant. We will then provide you with a cookie banner embed code that you paste into the HTML of your website.

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (74)

Most websites will need to comply with certain cookie regulations. A properly configured cookie banner helps keep you out of trouble. – Leila, Privacy Compliance Specialist @ Termly

Generate a Cookie Banner Now

Enter Your Website URL

To help you create a cookie banner that is compliant with worldwide legislation, we must first scan your website for cookies.

Cookie Banner Requirements by Regulation

These are the cookie banner requirements worldwide data privacy laws enact on businesses under their purview.

🇪🇺 ePrivacy Directive (The Cookie Law)

The Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002/58/EC is a set of rules passed in 2002 and amended in 2009 that govern data protection and privacy in the EU.

The ePD — orEU Cookie Law— requires that a website obtains its user’s consent before storing cookies, other than those deemed strictly necessary, in the user’s browser.

🇪🇺 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Also created in the European Union (EU), theGeneral Data Protection Regulationis the world’s strictest data privacy law. It gives citizens of the EU the right to be informed when websites collect their personal data.

Tocomply with the rules of the GDPR, any website that receives visitor traffic from the EU must display a cookie banner informing EU citizens of their rights under the law.

A cookie banner that is compliant with the GDPR should:

  • Include a button to accept cookies:Your website must not activate cookies until the user performs an affirmative action, such as pressing the “Accept” button — i.e., opts in. Your cookie banner should clearly state that by clicking the button, the users allow the cookies on your website to collect their data. If it contains options to accept or reject the use of cookies, both buttons must get featured with equal prominence.
  • Give detailed information about how and why you use cookies:Under the rules of the GDPR, websites must allow users to make informed choices about the website’s use of cookies. To make an informed choice, the customer must receive sufficient information about the usage of the data collected via cookies from the website. Your cookie banner text must inform the user of the purpose of the data collected, whether for advertising, analytics, or another objective.
  • Inform the user about sharing private data with third parties:If your website plans to share the data collected via cookies with any third party (advertising or analytics partners), the cookie banner must disclose this information to the user. Some websites include a link within the cookie banner to a list of vendors with whom they share such data.
  • Include a link to the website’s cookie policy:Within the cookie banner, the user must be able to click a link to view the website’s cookie policy. That way, visitors can get informed about the types of used cookies, the reasons for collecting information, how to remove cookies, and the methods of storing data.
  • Link to the cookie preference settings:Many websites link to their cookie preferences page within the cookie banner. Users can allow some cookie categories and reject others on the preferences page. A user may choose, for example, to reject targeted advertising cookies but allow those used for website analytics.

🇺🇸 California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

TheCalifornia Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)was revised several times before California’s Office of Administrative Law approved thefinal (and current) versionof the law.

The CCPA does not require websites to obtain the consent of users before using cookies except for the sale of personal data of users under 16 years of age.

A cookie banner that complies with the CCPA should:

  • Provide information about how and why you use cookies:A CCPA-compliant cookie banner should give users details about why the website uses cookies and whether it shares the collected data with any third parties.
  • Include a button to accept cookies:The CCPA does not require explicit user consent, but many websites include a button within their cookie banner to allow the user to accept cookies. The cookie banner may also contain a link to the website’s cookie settings page, where users can select which cookie types (if any) they wish to accept.
  • Include a “Do Not Sell” button:Any business subject to compliance with the CCPA must add a “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” button and page to its website, allowing customers to opt out of the sale of any personal information the website collects about them.

🇬🇧 Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

In the United Kingdom (UK), theInformation Commissioner’s Office (ICO)is an independent body overseeing the privacy rights of citizens of the UK.

The ICO’s guidance shares many similarities with the GDPR. For example, the ICO does not recommend accepting implied consent for cookies, instead suggesting that websites require users to give explicit consent before providing any non-essential cookies, including cookies that collect data on website analytics. In addition, it advises websites not to use pre-checked boxes or other mechanisms that may nudge users toward accepting consent.

According to the ICO’s guidance, cookie banners must:

  • Include information about how and why you use cookies
  • Not use “cookie walls,” which are cookie banners that force the user to accept cookies before being allowed to continue to the website.

🇫🇷 Commission Nationale de L’informatique et des Libertés (CNIL)

The FrenchCNIL’scookie banner guidelines are similar the ICO and GDPR.

For a cookie banner to be CNIL compliant, it should:

  • Include a button to accept cookies:The banner must give the user information about the specific data that cookies collect, the purpose of such action, and the potential share of information with third parties.
  • Include specific links:The cookie banner must include links to the website’s cookie policy and settings.
  • Inform the user about analytics cookies:The banner must inform the user about the use of cookies that collect data about website analytics. Before the website can use analytics cookies, it requires the user’s explicit acceptance. The banner must also include a mechanism for the user to reject analytics cookies, usually in the form of a link to the website’s cookie settings page.
  • Avoid using cookie walls:The website is advised not to use cookie walls to block the use of the page if the user does not agree to allow cookies.

🇧🇷 Lei Geral de Protecao de Dados (LGPD)

TheLei Geral de Protecao de Dados (LGPD), or General Personal Data Protection Act, is the Brazilian data privacy law that took effect in September 2020. Because of the similarities between the Brazilian law and the GDPR, cookie banners compliant with these two laws will appear very similar.

To be compliant with the LGPD rules, a cookie banner should:

  • Explain the website’s data collection:The banner should inform users that the website collects and processes their data. It should also explain the how and why behind the cookies and list any third parties with whom the website may share this data.
  • Allow users to refuse consent:Users must know they can choose to accept or refuse data collection. The banner should make this clear and provide intuitive buttons for these actions.

🇨🇦 Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

ThePersonal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)is a Canadian data privacy law that applies to private-sector organizations that collect, use, or disclose personal information for commercial activity.

It differs from other privacy laws as it contains the requirement to obtain meaningful consent from the user — i.e. if the use of cookies under the circ*mstances is reasonable.

Therefore, whether you need to obtain implicit or explicit consent depends on the circ*mstances.

A cookie banner compliant under PIPEDA should:

  • Obtain explicit user consent:Unless the user would expect data to be collected, your cookie banner should require meaningful consent to data gathering via cookies on your website.
  • Inform the user about data collection:The banner should explain the categories of data collected and the purpose of your website processing this data.

According to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Canada, you must have the user’s explicit consent when:

  • The information being collected, used, or disclosed is sensitive
  • The collection, use, or disclosure is outside of the reasonable expectations of the user
  • The collection, use, or disclosure creates a residual risk of significant harm

Canada’s Privacy Commissioner also recommends the following to make your consent process more meaningful:

  • Allow users to control how many details they wish to receive and when.
  • Use innovative, creative ways of obtaining consent.
  • Remind users periodically about their consent choices and those available to them.
  • Periodically audit your privacy solutions to ensure they reflect current practices on personal information management.
  • Be prepared to demonstrate that your consent process is user-friendly and easily understandable.
  • When developing consent processes, consider involving users, focus groups, privacy experts, or regulators and following established best practices.

🇹🇭 Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)

Thailand’sPersonal Data Protection Act (PDPA)is the country’s first law designed to oversee data protection in the digital age. It often gets compared to the EU’s GDRP, and indeed, several principles of the PDPA were heavily influenced by the GDPR.

For a cookie banner to be compliant under the PDPA, it should:

  • Inform the user about cookies:The cookie banner should explain to the user that your website uses cookies. It should also specify what data the cookies collect, who does so, and for how long.
  • Withhold cookies until the user consents:All cookies should be blocked until or unless the visitor consents to your website’s use of cookies.
  • Provide a way to change or decline consent:The banner should include a simple mechanism for the customer to change their previous consent choice or to reject the use of cookies to collect their data.

It is important to note that all of your users’ consent choices must, by law, be stored for five years.

Generate a Cookie Banner Now

Enter Your Website URL

To help you create a cookie banner that is compliant with worldwide legislation, we must first scan your website for cookies.

Cookie Banner FAQ

We answer the most frequently asked questions we get about cookie banners
and why our cookie banner generator is the best.

Is the cookie banner generator free?

Yes, the cookie banner generator is free to use. With ourBasic plan, you can use the website scan tool, create a cookie banner, add a preference center, and publish a cookie policy for free.

Will my cookie banner be automatically generated?

Yes, your cookie banner will be automatically generated by our tool. After you scan your website and review the cookie categorizations, you will be given a chance to customize your cookie banner and be provided a code to embed it on your website.

Is cookie notice and cookie banner the same?

A cookie notice and a cookie banner are the same. A cookie policy, however, contains more details about user data usage.

What should a cookie banner say?

The content of a cookie banner gets dictated by the specific law that applies to your website. It depends on the location of your visitors and the information you need to pass over.

Is a cookie banner required by law?

Depending on the location of the users you service, you may be required to have a cookie banner by certain data privacy laws such as the ePrivacy Directive (Cookie Law), the GDPR, and the CCPA.

Is a cookie banner required in the US?

There is no federal cookie law in the United States. However, some individual states, like California (CCPA) and Nevada (SB220), have laws that govern cookie usage related to their residents.

Also, if your website is based in the US but receives visitors from other places worldwide, it must comply with any applicable privacy laws governing those areas.

What is an EU cookie banner?

An EU cookie banner complies with the ePrivacy Directive (ePD) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines.

What is GDPR cookie banner?

Your website can obtain a user’s consent through a GDPR-compliant cookie banner, which must get displayed on the site for users to see upon the first visit. The guidelines to create this banner are addressed in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) above.

How do I know if my website uses cookies?

Termly’s cookie banner solution can help you determine if your website uses cookies and, if so, which ones. It can also assist with the classification of the cookies it detects.

What is user consent?

User consent is basically the user’s permission to collect and handle their data.

Getting a user’s consent before using cookies is mandatory under laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). On the other hand, laws like the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) allow you to use cookies before you get consent, as long as you make it clear and easy for a user to opt out.

Will a cookie banner hurt my website SEO?

Search engine crawlers don’t index the content of cookie banners, so they should not hurt your search engine optimization or indexation.

Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (75)

Generate a Free Website Cookie Banner

Generate Free Cookie Banner

Enter Your Website URL

To help you create a cookie banner that is compliant with worldwide legislation, we must first scan your website for cookies.

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Our expert legal team works with our engineers to keep the Cookie Banner Generator up to date with current and future data privacy laws. – Jona, Senior Product Manager @ Termly

Our Full Suite of Compliance Solutions

Privacy Policy GeneratorCreate a compliant privacy policy that outlines your data collection practicesLearn moreTerms and Conditions GeneratorEstablish guidelines and safeguard your business with custom termsLearn moreCookie ConsentCreate a managed consent solution to protect your blog, website, or appLearn moreEULA GeneratorGenerate a compliant and automatically updated End-user License AgreementLearn more

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  1. 6 Step TDPSA Compliance Requirements ChecklistChecklistsJune 14, 2024Josh Langeland, CIPM
  2. 6-Step UCPA Compliance Requirements ChecklistChecklistsJune 13, 2024Josh Langeland, CIPM
  3. 6-Step FDBR Compliance Requirements ChecklistChecklistsJune 12, 2024Josh Langeland, CIPM
  4. Which Laws Does Termly Cover?ArticlesJune 7, 2024Etienne Cussol CIPP/E, CIPM
  5. 11 New US Privacy Laws Covered by Termly in 2024Termly Updates and PressMay 31, 2024Masha Komnenic CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT, FIP
  6. 64 Alarming Data Privacy Statistics Businesses Must See in 2024ArticlesMay 31, 2024Masha Komnenic CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT, FIP
  7. How Businesses Feel About Data Privacy [2024 Survey]Data LabMay 30, 2024Miljo Dragutinovic

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Cookie Banner Generator: Create a Free Cookie Banner (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.