Recreational Sleeping (2024)

Recreational Sleeping (1)by reading these im deciding you agree to not look too deeply into them and/or diagnose me with serial-killer-itis.
also sometimes ill have no dreams for months,then get a burst of them for like a week with nothing afterwards so this will be updated very spiratically

Recreational Sleeping (2)june 20th 2024 8:00amRecreational Sleeping (3)
my cats leg fell off lol. except it wasnt lol because he was visibly in pain and upset. no reason given as to why,it just did. there was very little blood,a small bit on the floor and on the end of where his leg used to be. its a very weirdly small wound disporportionate to the size of his leg,just an exposed pink nub.

Recreational Sleeping (4)june 19th 2024 8:00amRecreational Sleeping (5)
another car sliding around where cars shouldnt/couldnt be dream. funny white van drives all over our yard and through trees. my mom is standing outside with me watching this happen,worried that we'll get run over but neither of us run away. its autum and theres sh*tty leaves on the ground and its foggy. this was probably triggered by my mom getting pissed off at every unwieldyly construction vehicle that comes down our dead end road using our driveway to turn around.

Recreational Sleeping (6)june 10th 2024Recreational Sleeping (7)
playing a 3d version of ponytown. same camera angle,all the player sprites were 3d models,but everything else was still pixel art. very brightly colored with cell shading. it was night time in the woods and there were many players online. i walk north through the woods for a bit and find a large hole in the ground surrounded by pink goo that looked like it erupted out at some point. i drop down into the hole and the camera changes into i more normal 3rd person view in a dark cave filled with a few computer screens mounted on the walls and more pink goo. felt vaugely fetishy.

Recreational Sleeping (8)june 8th 2024Recreational Sleeping (9)
im observing fedi drama where some ukrainian guy is ban evading by joining a bunch of pokemon themed instances,and bringing his followers with him to raid it and wreck havoc. i learn this through a chad vs virgin meme where the guy's ukrain themed fursona was the chad and all the og users on the instance were the virgins grovvelling at him for mercy.

Recreational Sleeping (10)june 6th 2024Recreational Sleeping (11)
i went to sleep with my window open as i often foolishly do and a fox got into my room (it was a weird fox though it had blotchy spots on it like an african civet). animal control had to be called,cartoonishly large and stocky beutiful butch woman with curly brown hair went through my room and got rid of the fox. i was terrified id have to get rabies shots since my window is right above my bed,which means for the fox to get in id have to walk across my face. i was also terrified someone i didnt know was in my room.

Recreational Sleeping (12)may 31st 2024Recreational Sleeping (13)
watched a did you know gaming video about how,apparently,gameboy advance games still used the same graphical limits of gameboy color games for a around a year after launch because of chip shortages in latin american countries. example given was pokemon crystal. then i watched a boundary break styled video about my dream's version of sonic advance which had ds esc 3d background environments with sonic advance's sprites for the player,and you played as shadow the hedgehog. then i watched a peanutbuttergamer video (he renamed his channel to PEEBS) about a zelda fan game that was switched to an original ip last minute and was a huge hit. visually it looked like that one THIS WILL BE MAJORAS MASK (Wii U) IN 2013 fan trailer in terms of art style and vibes. it also had a vr mode for some reason.

Recreational Sleeping (14)may 21st 2024Recreational Sleeping (15)
im playing one of those late 2000s early 2010s product tie in 3d browser games. like that one honey nut cheerios game if anyone else knows about that,but idk what this one was advertising. its online and you play as bears running around in a top down moba type of evironment. you fire big slow blasts at other bears. the terrain is a dead feeling greybrown valley with logs and hollowed out trees and a few branching paths,the parts youre not supposed to reach are stretched up just below the camera and are flat and snow covered. there were so many player bears who glitched up there me included but i fell down waa.

Recreational Sleeping (16)may 19th 2024Recreational Sleeping (17)
im at school working on a history project,im the only one whose having any trouble or finding it difficult at all. im very visably upset,teachers are concerned but i do not accept their help or comfort because i dont think i deserve it. also the "history project" in question was a f*cking game of age of empires. anyway i go home and there are tiny clones of some of my pets.

Recreational Sleeping (18)may 17th 2024Recreational Sleeping (19)
my dad is digging under our fire pit and finds the corner of a giant clay slab. he digs up our entire yard and finds the whole thing undernieth. it has a giant chicken engraved on it. mom is mad.

Recreational Sleeping (20)may 11th 2024Recreational Sleeping (21)
my mom suddenly has a 90s era pc and monitor and i want the monitor so bad. representive of my greed.

Recreational Sleeping (22)may 2nd 2024Recreational Sleeping (23)
driving around looking at houses somewhere. its sunny and theres a swamp so im deciding i was in florida. the houses along side the road are mostly off white with pale red trimming in a spanish colonial style,so even more florida maybe. i stop go inside one and the interior is my own home. then the dream turned into some sort of reality where warrior cats also had a clan called the badger clan. the cats are all black and white and look like badgers. they lived by a river near a twoleg place like skyclan or something. bone used to be a member of badger clan before bloodclan was founded. yee.

Recreational Sleeping (24)april 18th 2024 8:00 amRecreational Sleeping (25)
cruel dream where someone found the w3.7z password and i knew it wasnt real so it was even more torturous. if youre silly enough youd know what that means. also i was in a gym and inside the gym there was a giant ferris wheel for some reason i threw a hat up on one of the metal beams because i thought it would be funny but then later im back in the gym with a bunch of other people and the gym owner teacher person guy was lecturing us about how everyone who rode the ferris wheel tragicly died the other day because a hat got caught in some important mechinism of the ferris wheel and nobody knew it was me. anyway 2 days after i had this dream the hackermen who hackermanned cdpr released the passwords on their site so this dream was prophetic but no one will believe me because im posting this whenever afterwards lol. thats ok though.

Recreational Sleeping (26)april 17th 2024 6:30amRecreational Sleeping (27)
the night before i heard some asshole driving his car so fast it was sliding around and screeching on the road near our house,and later his car appeared in my dream. in the dream im standing in my driveway but suddenly the car comes ploaghing through the woods like there werent and trees there and swerves into a little pit before its stuck there with smoke and dust spewing around it. i hide laying down in the front seat of our own car (only after everythin went down,im more afraid of confrontation than getting ran over) and theres a blanket i covered myself with so nobody could see me,i fiddled around with it for a while to make sure. i never see the guy come out of the car,but it later turns into some apocalyptic scenario where my whole familys crowding into the car with some supplies and all our pets. for some reason my uncles with us too. i feel like i need to help determine how the situations handled so we dont all die but nobody listens to me on the ride to maybe safety until i see a cat all alone on the side of the road and scream to let me go pick it up and bring it with us so it doesnt die. we drive by another cat and i do the same thing and go rescue him,even though realisticly a cat would run away from someone chasing him down like that or get eaten by my other cats once it was "saved" but oh well..

Recreational Sleeping (28)april 15th 2024Recreational Sleeping (29)
my house (not mine actually its just some generic house envronment) floats into the air all the walls disconnect from our house and a giant flying jellyfish attacks. its size ranges anywhere from man sized to several stories tall depending on when im looking at it. its black with orange bits on the underside. i have to fly out and try not to bump into it. my dads flying behind me and i yell at him for something. then the same thing repeats but this time with a giant octopus. then it turned into a wierd speepover school field trip thing. we're sleeping outside under one of those big white park tent things,theres like a slightly opaque plastic curtain hanging around the sides of the tent too and maybe theres white foldup tables in the text and everyones laying on the ground with sleeping bags.

Recreational Sleeping (30)april 14th 2024 5:15 amRecreational Sleeping (31)
went to [region specific national park] both via the wierd google maps top down view and in person. then i browsed the first fan arts of several series on pre-eclipse deviant art

Recreational Sleeping (32)april 12th 2024Recreational Sleeping (33)
hl2vrai comes out and its another bait and switch,this time its a backrooms psychological horror thing in an office from tommy's perspective (aka mine). benry and gordon werent there but the rest of the science team were along with some scary black hoodie dudes i had to run from (in retrospect those couldve been benrys). i decided it was very scary,left me feeling parinoid and uncomfortable after i woke up. one of the rtv team (idk or care enough to have congured up who) posted an explaination/psudo-not-really-apologee for the change in direction (on cohost for some reason),but it was deleted by the time i clicked on the link. i went to the accounts profile and saw another link that led to like,their personal account for this 2d newgrounds esc fighting game where you make little dudes and fight other peoples dudes with them,a little benry and tommy were in the roster. also the intro to the stream was a google streetview type thing of an overgrown abandoned rural japanese village thing with lots of greenery,and there was an orange cat sitting around they kept zooming in on that became a meme even outside the hlvrai fandom. the rest of the dream was a cruise line commertial showing off their ship. lol.

Recreational Sleeping (34)april 8th 2024Recreational Sleeping (35)
roaming an empty white icey wasteland with many big ice spikes. i have to crawl through tight tunnels in the snow,reminicient of when id dig through snowbanks and lay in them as a kid like i was a polar bear for an hour

Recreational Sleeping (36)april 2nd 2024Recreational Sleeping (37)
im on the bus home from school. nothing memerable happens other than the bus going up my driveway for some reason (this has happened irl before). i get off and i pick up multiple small plastic toys (a small man,a big rhino,medium sized wolf,a bunch others) off the ground outside like im trying to clean,i bring them in and start arranging them onto a little display. im irritated that none of them are perportionately to scale with each other just like when i was a kid.

Recreational Sleeping (38)march 26th 2024Recreational Sleeping (39)
escape from a school shooter situation (the usual). i run outside the school into a river nearby and try to swim away with some other guy. the other guy turns out to be the shooter. roll credits.

Recreational Sleeping (40)march 21st 2024 3:38 amRecreational Sleeping (41)
i seem to be walking around town after school like i used to do and i enter a building with a pop up display of 2 different artist's works. there was one room for each,one artist i remember had made a sculpture of some indistinct large fluffy white animal. one of the ladys running the event tells me not to "look at it too long" because the artist was "a sad*st",and it seems like i took her advice because i dont remember what his art even was. i go back on the bus (i wouldnt do this normally i was dropped off the bus id walk around and wait for my mom to pick me up at a library) and put on a random playlist that eventually played shut me up by mindless self indulgence (thematically appropriate. i guess.)after i reappear home i find a coffin in my driveway. theres a mismatch different of dry leathery pale colored blueish pinkish looking sheets of something inside,theres no blood. it might not have started out in my dream as a coffin but maybe it morphed into one. apparently i was chewing on a small skull of some sort too,i dont remember what it looked like but it was small enough to fit in my mouth and the texture felt like human teeth (who wouldve thought there would be teeth in my mouth) but its muzzel was long like a dog. maybe it was a mouse idk. the bone felt gritty and years old but with a few scraps of fresh meat still attached. i through the bone into the coffin. a few thumb sized black tick looking creatures with long spindly legs crawl out of the leathery folds to start eating the skulli go inside my house and a young boy ive never seen before greets me,and i decide to tell him about the cool thing i found outside. he goes out and looks at it while i grab a slice of ham. we gawk at the coffin for a bit (hes more worried though) as i toss the ham inside. immediately even more tick creatures crawl out to eat the ham,the force of them crawling out greatly disturbs the mass and open up the wet layers underneith the dry. eventually there are human legs wearing pale blue jeans and white sneakers visable at the bottom of the mass. in my mind i decide the smell is unbearable even though i cant smell anything,and i start slowly backing up the porch and back into my house while i watch the kid watch the corpse twist and writhe around some more through the window. eventually i called him back in,the kid looks up at me,calm,but clearly shell shocked,says "that was an intermidiate sized aggressive pig". i feel bad but all i can say to the kid i just warped the mind of is "sorry". i immediately go back into the fridge and feed the coffin another slice of ham. hung up by madonna (slowed + reverb) starts playing and i wake up.

Recreational Sleeping (42)march 20th 2024Recreational Sleeping (43)
i am looking at some old artist i used to follow on pre-eclipse deviant art's current professional portfolio (it wasnt anyone who exists in real life though,just someone my mind manifested,but i remember they had a green possum looking fursona). i view a preview of the animation they worked on,and im transported in,of coarse. i find myself outside standing on top of purple clouds in a purple city next to a purple mcdonalds with a fountain flowing out of the side,and theres a giant pink mech flying around. the colors are very muted except for the mcdonalds. anyway the mech lands down next to me and dollhouse stream attiar jerma comes tumbling out of it.

Recreational Sleeping (44)march ??nd 2024Recreational Sleeping (45)
i have 5 small white pet worms that i take for a walk on a leash. they drag behind me and slowly die so i have to scrape them off the ground and carry them back home. so sad.

Recreational Sleeping (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.