Malden Advocate 08/16/2024 (2024)

State RepresentativeDemocratMalddenalldaVol. 33, No. 33denAADD-FREEByTara VocinoAfter many trials and tribulations,Bread of Life celebratedtheir Grand Openingon Sunday. Everything will beunder one roof, including 14studio apartments, some forformerly homeless veterans,offi ce space and a dining areaat 54 Eastern Ave. The nondenominationalfood pantry isopen to residents of 13 citiesand towns. The new buildingmay allow the pantry to serveon Mondays. Evening mealsare served from Tuesdays toFridays to approximately 100people.SEE PAGE 10 FOR PHOTO HIGHLIGHTS.Leadership with Results!Your Local News & Sports Online. Scan Here!OCATAT617-387-2200Published Every FridaySpecial to Th e AdvocateSSociety Members:The Gennetti family membersjoined San Rocco Society members.Shown front row, from left toright, are: Dick Barricelli, SheldonMover, Joyce Mover, Maria Gennetti,Carla Gennetti, Dina Gennetti, LisaGennetti Lipani, Mayor Gary Christenson,Michael Cagno, and DomFermano. Second row, shown fromleft: Sheila Fermano, Paul Condon,Anthony Spadafora, Salvatore Gennetti,and Paula Cagno Maddaleni.Third row, from left: Roberto DiMarco,Bill Settemio, Darren Svendsen,Nick Menkello, Paul Condon,Jr., Gina Spadafora, Nico Spadafora,and Peter Caso. Kneeling: Rob Gennetti.See photo highlights on page_.(Advocate photo by Tara Vacino)tate Senator Jason Lewisand State Adv.)CTEEFriday, August 16, 2024At Long Last, Bread of Life Celebrates Official Grand OpeningAT LONG LAST: City and state offi cials along with Bread of Life (BOL) staff celebrated the Grand Opening with a ribbon cutting.Shown from left to right, are: Development Director Patty Kelly, Ward 3 City Councillor Amanda Linehan, Ward 1 Councillor PegCrowe, Council President/Ward 6 City Councillor Stephen Winslow, State Rep. Kate Lipper Garabedian, Metro North HousingCorporation President Daniel LeBlanc, Executive Director Gabriella Snyder Stelmack, Malden Mayor Gary Christenson, MetroNorth Housing member Larry Gottlieb, Medford Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn, Bread Of Life Board Member Chris Chitouras,Bread of Life President Sean Twomey, and Councillor-At-Large Karen Colón Hayes.(Advocate photo by Tara Vocino)San Rocco Italian Festival HonorsMemory of Butch GennettiMalden legislativedelegation secures $925k fornumerous local prioritiesPaul Donato, Steve Ultrino andKate Lipper-Garabedian wereSECURES| SEE PAGE 4VoteDonatoSept. 3

Page 2THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024~ Guest Commentary ~Need a hall for your special event?The Schiavo Club, located at71 Tileston Street, Everett isavailable for your Birthdays,Anniversaries, Sweet 16 partiesand more?For more info,call (857) 249-78828 Norwood St.Everett(617) 387-9810Open Tues. - 4:00 PMClosed Sun. & Mon.Announcing our Classic SpecialsDine In Only:* FREE Salad with purchase ofEntree, Tuesdays & Wednesdays* Cheese Pizza - Only $10Catch ALL TheLive SportsAction On OurLarge ScreenTV’sScan & Follow Us on Facebook!Overdose Awareness CampaignsPrevent Overdose and Save LivesBy Michael LeachInternational Overdose AwarenessDay, August 31, is themost extensive annual campaignto end overdose. The campaignraises awareness of overdose,which has impacted everycommunity. Too many familieshave lost loved ones, butthis campaign and others like itcan save lives.According to the MassachusettsDepartment of PublicHealth, between January andMarch 2024, there were 85 confirmed opioid-related overdosedeaths. In 2023, there was a totalof 2,104 confi rmed opioid-relateddeaths in the state. However,this was 232 fewer than 2022.Nationally, according to theCDC, there were an estimated107,543 drug overdose deathsin the United States during2023—fortunately, a decreaseof 3% from 2022. This has beenthe first national annual decreasesince 2018. However,synthetic opioids continue tobe involved in three-quartersof all overdose deaths acrossthe nation.Overdose prevention campaignswork tirelessly to preventthese deaths among peopleof all ages. There are practicalresources, tools, and informationthat individuals, families,and communities can useto increase awareness, preventoverdose, and save lives.Some Massachusetts drug edwww.810bargrille.comucationand prevention resourcesinclude those off ered by theDepartment of Public Health,by removing the stigma.Moreover, you should beMichaelLeachsuch as information about naloxone,training, and resources.The Massachusetts SubstanceUse Helpline, 1-800-327-5050,or text “HOPE” to 800327, off ersoverdose prevention.One of the most recognizednational awareness and preventionresources is the InternationalOverdose Awareness Daywebsite, which provides extensiveresources and ways to getinvolved. The National HarmReduction Coalition off ers evidence-basedstrategies thatreduce the risk of overdose. Finally,the National Safety Councilprovides resources for theworkplace.It’s important to rememberthat overdose is preventable.Any one individual or local communitycan increase awarenessthrough practical approachesand eff ective campaigns. Beginby keeping in mind that stigmaor the fear of stigma stopssomeone struggling with addictionfrom sharing their problemswith friends or family. Stigma,for example, can come from individuals,family members, clinicians,or the community. Begincome familiar with the factsabout fentanyl and fentanyl analogs.Fentanyl is 50 times morepotent than heroin and 100times more potent than morphine.Fentanyl is commonlymixed into fake prescriptiondrugs and illicit street drugs.Most overdose deaths occurbecause of polysubstanceuse, which occurs when two ormore drugs are taken together,whether intentionally or unintentionally.The primary risk factorsassociated with overdoseinclude mixing drugs, tolerance,quality of the drug, using alone,age and physical health, modeof administration, and previousnon-fatal overdoses.Also, familiarize yourself withlife-saving Naloxone. In Massachusetts,authorized and licensedpharmacies can dispensenaloxone to anyone atrisk or in a position to helpsomeone at risk without a prescription.Mostimportantly, rememberthose we have lost to overdoseand acknowledge the grief ofthe family left behind. Overdoseaff ects everyone, and thisshould also fuel our commitmentto end overdose and allof its related harms.International OverdoseAwareness Day 2024 focuseson how every individual actionmatters and how coming togetheras a community creates adecisive collective action. Overdoseawareness is for everyone,for people who use drugs andthose who don’t, for familieswho have lost loved ones, forhealthcare workers, advocates,and activists. These are necessarysteps everyone can take tosave lives, protect communities,and safeguard families.Michael Leach has spent mostof his career as a healthcare professionalspecializing in substanceuse & addiction recovery.He is a Certifi ed Clinical MedicalAssistant (CCMA) and the PublicRelations Offi cer at DRS.For Advertising withResults,call The AdvocateNewspapersat 617-387-2200 or

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Page 3Asian community supportsState Rep. Paul DonatoFor Advertising with Results,call The Advocate Newspapersat 617-387-2200 orInfo@advocatenews.netBallroom and Latin Dance ClassesChildren’s classes—ages 4 and upBeginner Classes from September to JuneCompetitive training with some of the topteachers of the world.Champions Dance Sport Club… where sport and art come together ...165 Chelsea StreetEverett, MA 02149Phone: 781-219-7273Web site: championsdancesportclub.comE-mail: champions_dance_sport_club@yahoo.comREPRESENTATIVEDONATODEMOCRATMALDENMembers of the local Asian community turned out in support of State Representative PaulDonato at a Pre-Primary Breakfast hosted by The Friends of Paul J. Donato at the Malden/Medford Elks Club in Medford on Sunday. Shown with the popular state offi cial (second fromright) are, from left to right, Jason Law, Molly Chen and Mai Lam. (Courtesy photo)Children and Adult ItalianClasses begin Sept. 14.Register now!Children Italian classes – registrationfor children’s classeswill be on Saturday, September14 from 9 a.m. to noonat the Appian Club (100 FallonRd., Stoneham). Your childmust be six years or older. Nopressure, relaxed setting. Firstclass will be Saturday morning.Sept 21, with follow-upclasses either Saturday morningsor Thursday afternoon, atthe teacher’s discretion. Costis $140 for 20 weeks of instruction,ending in March. Class willlast one hour.Please contact John Nocellaat 781-438-5687 orjohn02180@gmail.comAdult Italian classes will beoff ered by the Appian Club ofStoneham starting in the eveningthe week of September10. This class will be presentedin Zoom only. A beginner’sclass will start with the basics(pronunciations, phrases, etc.)and give you a fi rm foundationfor the language.Advanced classes will be conductedas needed, dependingon enrollment. The eight-weekclasses will be held on Tuesdayevenings (likely) and the cost is$160 plus a $20 text. No homeworkbut we do expect you toreview the work weekly. Andno fi nal exams!! Class is 90 minuteslong.The Instructor is Tiff any BistocchiMurphy, graduate ofDickinson College (2003) witha major in Italian and a Master’sin Italian from Middlebury College(2006). She has traveledextensively throughout Italyand has taken courses there.The class is casual and interestingand the experience willbe enjoyable. If you are travelingto Italy or just want to reliveyour heritage roots, this class isfor you.Contact coordinator JohnNocella for further details at781-438-5687 or, preferably,by email, at Please pass along thisinfo to other family members,friends and neighbors.The class is sponsored bythe Appian Club of Stoneham,a nonprofi t, social charitable503(c)(7) organization whosemission is to promote Italianculture and heritage.A PROVEN CHAMPION WITH FORWARD THINKING VALUES ANDAN UNPARALLELED RECORD OF DEDICATION AND EXPERIENCEFIGHTING FOR YOU!Sponsor: “Massachusetts Clean Energy Bill” Transitions theCommonwealth to Clean Electricity, Heating and TransportationSponsor: “LGBTQ Health Access Bill” Protects Health and ReligiousFreedom by Banning Cell Phone LocationSponsor: “Senior Citizen Housing Assistance Bill” Provides aSenior Citizen Residential Tax ExemptionSponsor: “Affordable Early Education Bill” Mandates Affordableand Accessible Early Childhood EducationSponsor: “Banning Child Marriage Bill” Outlaws Child Marriagein MassachusettsSponsor: “Women’s Health Care Assistance” Promotes Access toMidwife Options for Pregnant Women(Paid Pol. Adv.)MEDFORD

Page 4THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024SECURES| FROM PAGE 1pleased to announce thatthey have secured $925,000for various local priorities inMalden as part of the FiscalYear 2025 (FY25) Massachusettsstate budget. That budget,which totals $58 billion,received final passage by theHouse of Representatives andSenate on July 19, 2024, andwas signed into law by GovernorMaura Healey on July 29,2024. This budget delivers significantlevels of investmentin early education and childcare,K-12 public schools, publichigher education, housing,healthcare, transportation,workforce development, andmore, as part of a comprehensivestrategy to make Massachusettsmore affordable andequitable for all.Within the budget, SenatorLewis and Representatives Donato,Ultrino, and Lipper-Garabediansecured funding forthe following Malden localpriorities:• $100,000 for flood mitigation,including the maintenanceand cleaning of theTownline and Linden Brookculverts• $100,000 for accessibilityimprovements to the ForestLawrenceA. Simeone Jr.Attorney-at-Law~ Since 1989 ~* Corporate Litigation* Criminal/Civil* MCAD* Zoning/Land Court* Wetlands Litigation* Workmen’s Compensation* Landlord/Tenant Litigation* Real Estate Law* Construction Litigation* Tax Lien* Personal Injury* Bankruptcy* Wrongful Death* Zoning/Permitting Litigation300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.netdale School playground• $60,000 for Urban MediaArts to make repairs to theirceiling, insulation and fireproofing•$50,000 to construct a shelterat the bike kitchen on theNorthern Strand CommunityTrail• $40,000 to update equipmentand amenities at TheBridge Recovery Center• $200,000 for Triangle’sSchool-to-Career program,which connects students withdisabilities to services designedto enhance their joband career opportunities• $150,000 for Portal To Hopefor a community-based domesticviolence program, includinga “Teens-at-Risk” project•$100,000 for the homelesschildren program of HousingFamilies Inc. (HFI)• $50,000 for HFI to purchasetransport vans for their streetoutreach program• $75,000 for the mobilehomeless outreach team ofAction for Boston CommunityDevelopment (ABCD)“This budget will deliversubstantial resources toour communities, and makeour state more affordable forCelebrating Our 52nd YearDan - 1972We Sell Cigars & Accessories!MAJOR BRANDS AT DISCOUNT PRICES!Singles * TinsGreen Label SaleBuy 2 Cigars,Get One FREE!Starting at$18.95* Bundles * BoxesMany TypesStarting at $49.95Starting at$95.95* Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes* Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATESHOURS: OPEN DAILY, MON. - SAT., 9 AM - 7 PM / SUN., 9 AM - 6 PMHumidorSpecials!Starting asLOW as $99.Complete withAccessoriesR.Y.O.TOBACCO&TUBESON SALE!WE MAKEHOUSEKEYS!A.B.C. CIGAR170 REVERE ST., REVERE(781) 289-4959Chris 2024Paul DonatoState Representativeworking families by helpingto address the high costs ofhousing, healthcare, childcare,and college,” said Senator Lewis.“I’m especially pleased thatRepresentatives Donato, Ultrino,and Lipper-Garabedianand I were able to also securefunding for some importantlocal Malden priorities.”“I am grateful for the successfulcollaboration withmy colleagues, Senator Lewisand Representatives Ultrinoand Lipper-Garabedian,in securing essential fundingfor Malden,” said RepresentativeDonato. “I am especiallythrilled to see the funding towardsearly education, childcare,and public schools. I believethese funds will continueto enhance our communityand make Malden a city ofopportunity for all individualsand families.”“The FY25 budget is a reflectionof the legislature’s goalsto empower and invest in ourcommunities to build a strongerCommonwealth. I am especiallypleased to see the increasedinvestments in educationto ensure high-qualityKate Lipper-GarabedianState Representativeeducation is accessible to all,”saidRepresentative Ultrino.“The budget allocates fundingto special projects in Maldenfrom housing to infrastructure.I would like to thank my colleaguesRepresentative Donato,Representative Lipper-Garabedian,and Senator Lewis fortheir continued work in securingkey funding for Malden.”“I am proud to have joinedRepresentatives Donato andUltrino, along with SenatorLewis, to secure $925,000 inearmarks for the City of Maldenand community partners,”said Representative Lipper-Garabedian.“This fundingfor Malden will be directedto the areas of housing security,public safety, and infrastructure.Additionally, amongthe many critical and responsivestatewide investments inthe budget, I am thrilled tosee historic funding in earlyeducation and childcareas well as critical policy reformslike making the CommonwealthCares for Children(C3) direct-to-provider grantspermanent, a top priority forwhich I advocated.”Like us on Facebook advocate LewisState SenatorSteven UltrinoState Representative

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Page 5MHS Alumnus receives help to restoreMalden City Seal from grateful masonsEastern Bank Building on Rte. 1S605 Broadway, #301 * Saugus(781) 233-6844 www.bostonnorthdental.comDr. Priti AmlaniDr. Bhavisha PatelShown from left to right, are Victor Mejias, Jr., Antonio Telule and Nelson Martinez, who volunteeredto restore the city seal, on Monday outside of Malden High School. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)By Tara VocinoThe Malden High School Classof 1988 President is givingback 36 years later by helping torestore their class gift – a city seal– outside of his high school almamater. Tragically, three graduatesof the Class of ’88, JohnRooney, John Ciavarro and CliffSauvageau, had died in 1988,so the class wanted to do somethingto honor their memory byplacing their names at the top ofthe structure. Over the years, theconcrete city seal that stands atthe corner of Ferry and SalemStreets, had fallen in disrepairdue to weather conditions.MHS Senior Class of ‘88 PresidentVictor Mejias, Jr., who is amason at Victory Property Management,took the task on hisown shoulders and sought helpto restore the six-and-a-half-ton,16-ft. city seal. On Monday, hewent to his former employer,Nelson Masonry & ConstructionIMMIGRANTS | SEE PAGE 18SABATINO/MASTROCOLAINSURANCE AGENCY519 BROADWAYEVERETT, MA 02149Auto * Home * Boat *Renter * Condo * Life* Multi-Policy Discounts * Commercial 10% Discounts* Registry Service Also AvailableSabatino Insurance is proud to welcomethe loyal customers ofALWAYS READY TO SERVE YOU: Our Staff are, Emma Davidson, Jeimy Sanchez,Josephine Leone, Marie D’Amore, Rocco Longo, Z’andre Lopez, Anthony DiPierro,Darius Goudreau, Laurette Murphy, Danielle Goudreau and Tina Davidson.PHONE: (617) 387-7466FAX: (617) 381-9186Visit us online at: WWW.SABATINO-INS.COM* Restorative Dentistry* Cosmetic Dentistry* Implant Restoration* Zoom Whitening* Teeth in a Day - All on 6* Invisalign* CEREC Crowns(Single Visit Crowns)* Root Canal Treatment* Sedation Dentistry~ Full Mouth Rehabilitation ~BeforeAfter

Page 6THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024~ Malden Musings ~Mid-gradeRegular$3.873.177357Over 45 Years of Excellence!Full Service$2.99Order online atangelosoil.comWMalden 1963, Part 1By Peter Levinee are Malden. Lifelong Maldenor short time Malden.We are Malden. If your peepsput down roots in Yankee Village150 years ago, you are a Maldonian.If your kinfolk chose Maldenwhen their homes in theWest End of Boston were unsparinglydestroyed, you area Maldonian. If you and yourJerry Lewis in Malden, 1963 (Tom Hiltz photo)family escaped a Caribbean Islandin turmoil 25 years ago, youare a Maldonian. If you spentyour early childhood on OspreyRoad in Saugus, came to Maldenand made it a much betterplace than you found it, youare a Maldonian (hello, Neal Anderson!).If your extended familyand friends followed youfrom a faraway Southeast Asiancountry to Malden for a betterlife, you are a Maldonian. Longtime, short time. No diff . We areMaldonians.If you choose to use the lengthof time you’ve lived in Maldendivisively (which, sadly, some do– no names necessary), that’s onyou. These columns, myself andmy family have always chosenthe high road, drawing no distinction– ever. Which bringsthis somewhat long-winded diatribeto a point. I had the pleasureof speaking recently withKaren Lynch. You most likelyknow Karen from UMA, whereshe greets you warmly as youenter the front door (ever noticethe Gordon’s “ghost sign” asyou enter?). You may have heardthat Karen was recently namedCommonwealth Heroine Classof 2024 of the MassachusettsCommission on the Status ofWomen (congrats, btw, Karen!).Ms. Lynch has “only” been in Maldenfor 25 years, but she lovesMalden very much. Our love forMalden is on equal footing. Nodiff erence. Our love of Malden isin our souls! This is for you, Karen.Gabba gabba, hey, you’reone of us! Long live short- andlongtime Maldonians!Before we continue, a briefwalk down Peter F. Levine memorylane, which will all tie intothe genesis of this article (Ithink). The Levines originatedin Boston’s West End (ScollaySquare, Leonard Nimoy, RuthRoman, The Howard Theater,Joe & Nemo’s, Lawrence Berk).Displaced and exiled to CarneyCourt in Charlestown by Rappaportand the BHA when theymercilessly tore the heart andsouls out of thousands of WestEnders with the destruction ofthe West End. “If you lived here,you’d be home now…” thatdreadful and terrible reminderfor thousands haunting eachand every exile as they travelledStorrow over the years.On a West End side note, oneof the only good things to comeout of the West End’s demise/betrayal was that a lot of greatfamilies who were displacedby the ruination of a way of lifemade it to Malden – the Skiffi ngtons,the Spinellis, the Jotkis, theDownies and the Papas, to namebut a few.Once again, I digress...Goodfortune fi nally rained down onSolomon and Dorothy Levine(as well as their ever-expandingbrood) through the sheergoodwill of my father’s employerand patron saint, Agar Supply’sowner Karl Bressler. A mitzvahfor the ages, the Levine’s arrivedon Charles Street in early1963 just in time to enjoy the renaissancesweeping throughoutMalden at the time. Thank you,Karl (tzaddiq) Bressler.Which at last brings this tediousintroduction to (somewhat)of a crescendo. This week’sarticle will take a “Malden Musings”look at that history making,earth shaking, pants dropping,heart-stopping year of 1963(sorry, Bruce, I borrowed fromyou once again). Malden in 1963is not to be confused with Maldenin 2024. It was a vastly diff erentanimal in so many ways, yetso similar (as you will see). I’ll explain(eventually). Here ya go, inmultiple parts, my take on 1963Malden, Part 1…First, we’ll look at an event thatMUSINGS| SEE PAGE 18

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Page 7~ 375th Anniversary of the Incorporation of Town of Malden ~Foundation of Charlestown – Part 11By Inna BabitskayaThomas Graves (1585–after1633), an expert in engineering,mining and mineralogy,played the main role in thelaying out of Charlestown, includingthe Mystic Side. TheMassachusetts Bay Companyhired Graves on March 10,1628. As was written in his contract:“This 10th March 1628-9,I, Thomas Graves of Gravesend,in the County of Kent, gent, andby my profession skillful and experiencedin the discovery andfinding out of iron mines, asalso of lead, copper, mineral salt,and alum, in fortifications of allsorts, in surveying of buildingsand of lands and in measuringof lands, in describing a countryby map; in leading of waterto proper uses for millers orother uses; in finding out sortsof Lyme stone and materialsfor building; in manufacturing,have this present day agreedto serve the New England and,during my stay there, to do mytrue and uttermost endeavorfor the most good and benefitof said company.”The compensation of Mr.Graves was to be his passageto and from New England, fivepounds a month while in NewEngland. In case he remainedfor three years, the companywas to pay transportation forhis wife and five children, plusa boy and maid servant, whowould join him. Additionally,after three years, the MassachusettsBay Company was togrant him a house, 100 acres ofland and the first crop plantedthat his family “may subsist.” Hissalary after three years was tobe reset from five pounds permonth to a yearly allowance offifty pounds for the year, beginningon the first day of his arrivalin New England.In the company’s letter fromApril 17, 1629, sent by GeorgeBonaventure to Governor JohnEndecott (1688-1665), Graveswas described as “a traveller indivers forraigne parts to gainehis experience” and was highlyrecommended “as much for hishonesty as for his skill.” So, theCompany instructed Endecottto consult with Graves regardingthe future settlement: “Wepray you take his advice touchingthe premises and where youintend to sit down in, to fortifyand build a town that may bequalified for good air and water,...andmay have as much naturalhelp as may be.”Soon after his arrival in NewEngland, Graves sent to Englanda flattering descriptionof the colony: “I never came in amore goodly country in all mylife… If it hath not at any timebeen manured and husbanded,yet it is very beautifull inopen lands, mixed with goodlywoods, and again open plaines,in some places five hundredacres…not much troublesomefor to cleere…no place barren,but on the tops of the hills; thegrasse and weeds grow up toa man’s face, in the lowlandsand by fresh rivers abundanceof grasse and large meddoweswithout any tree or shrubbe...”Graves, who traveled a lot,could compare the new landwith the countries that he hadvisited before. He underlinedthat “I never saw, except in Hungaria,unto which I always parallelthis countrie…for everything that is heare eyther sowneor planted prospereth far betterthen in Old-England: Theincrease of corne is here farrebeyond expectation, as I haveseene here by experience in barly...And cattle doe prosper verywell, and those that are breddhere farr greater than those withyou in England. Vines doe growhere plentifully laden with theAluminumEverett10 Everett Ave., Everett617-389-3839“Same name, phone number & address forover half a century. We must be doingsomething right!”•Vinyl Siding•Carpentry Work•Decks•Free Estimates•Fully Licensed•Roofing• Fully Insured• Replacement Windowswww.everettaluminum.comNow’s the timeto schedule thosehome improvementprojects you’ve beendreaming aboutall winter!EverettAluminumThomas Graves’ signaturebiggest grapes that ever I saw,some I have seene foure inchesabout, so that I am bold tosay of this countrie, as it is commonlysaid in Germany of Hungaria,that for cattel, corne, andwine it excelleth.”He enthusiastically spokeabout the perspectives of lifein this wonderful country: “Wehave many more hopefull commoditieshere in this country,the which time will teachto make good use of: In themean time wee abound withsuch things which next underGod doe make us subsist: asfish, fowle, deere, and sundriesorts of fruits, as musk-millions,water-millions, Indian pompions,Indian pease, beanes…thehealthfulnesse of the countrie,which far exceeded all parts thatever I have been in: It is observedthat few or none doe here fallsicke, unless of the scurvy, thatthey bring from aboard the shipwith them, whereof I have curedsome of my companie onely bylabour.”Graves had to prepare the settlementproject that now thelarge companies could make.Only due to his talents, extensiveknowledge and diligencecould he fulfill his task.Also, Graves had to assist GovernorEndecott with militarymatters. He was admitted as afreeman on May 18, 1631.Governor Endecott sentThomas Graves, Rev. FrancisBright, Abraham Palmer andothers to take possession ofMassachusetts Bay, accordingto the company’s instructions.The Company Order of September7, 1630, prohibited “toCelebrating 66 Years in Business!Summeris Here!FortGovernor John Endecottplant at any place within the limits”of their patent without permissionfrom the governor andassistants. It was written “thatthis place on the north side ofthe Charles River, by the nativescalled Mishawum, shall henceforthfrom the name of the river,be called Charlestown, whichwas also confirmed by Mr. JohnMystic Side’s land lotsEndicott, governor.“It is jointly agreed and conFOUNDATION| SEE PAGE 16

Page 8THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024More than 150 people of all abilities celebrate inclusiveaccess to state’s urban beaches at Triangle,Inc.’s annual Beach:Ability EventSpecial to The Advocatet was a perfect day for thebeach on Saturday, August10, as more than 150 peopleof all abilities came togetherat Constitution Beach in EastBoston for Triangle, Inc.’s annualBeach:Ability event. The freeIGerryD’AmbrosioAttorney-at-LawIs Your Estate in Order?Do you have an update Will, HealthCare Proxy or Power of Attorney?If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation.14 Proctor Avenue, Revere(781) 284-5657Chris and Robin model thefloating wheelchairs on abeautiful day on ConstitutionBeach.(DCR) and supported by DCR’sUniversal Access Program. Thisevent aims to highlight the proTriangleCEO Coleman Nee and Marilyn demonstrate DCR’sFloating Wheelchairs and Mobility Mats.event, which is hosted by Triangle,Inc., a Malden-based organizationserving people with disabilitiesand their families, wasmade possible by a grant fromSave the Harbor/Save the Bay’sBetter Beaches Program in partnershipwith the Departmentof Conservation & RecreationSave the Harbor/Save theBay Program CoordinatorMeghan Gonzalez and Christalk local Boston Harborecology.DCR staff install the mobility mats for the day.grams and resources that makeMassachusetts’ urban beacheswelcoming and accessible foreveryone.“We couldn’t have asked forbetter weather for our sixth annualBeach:Ability event in EastBoston,” said Triangle, Inc. CEOColeman Nee. “It’s a great timefor Triangle program participantsand for those in our residentialhomes to enjoy all thatour beaches offer. For manyevent attendees, it is their firstopportunity to enjoy a day offun at the beach. This eventwouldn’t be possible withoutthe extraordinary efforts andcollaboration from our eventpartners at DCR’s Universal AccessProgram and Save the Harbor/Savethe Bay. We are proudto highlight their year-round effortsto make every day accessibleat our public beaches.”Guests of all abilities were ableto enjoy the weather and thebeach with the use of floatingwheelchairs and mobility mats.BBQ lunch from The SmokeShop, music and games werealso highlights of the day.“Access to beaches for peoplewith disabilities was one ofthe pillars of the MetropolitanBeaches Commission’s ‘BreakingBarriers’ Report in 2023, andwe’re so proud that Beach:Abilitycontinues to be a hallmark ofthe summer season,” said Savethe Harbor/Save the Bay ExecutiveDirector Chris Mancini.“For the first time, this eventhas inspired similar programson other beaches, and DCRhas demonstrated their continuedcommitment to the effortby elevating their disabilityawareness training for seasonalstaff, and investing annually inequipment like chairs and mobilitymats.”To learn more about Save theHarbor/Save the Bay and thegreat work they do to restore,protect and share Boston Harbor,the waterfront, islands andthe region’s public beaches withMUSINGS| SEE PAGE 9

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Page 950+ Job Seekers Networking GroupCareer Story (“Tell me a bit about yourself”) – Wed., Aug. 21, 9:30–11:30 a.m.The Massachusetts LibraryCollaborative’s 50+ Job SeekersGroup meets via Zoom onthe fi rst and third Wednesdaysof the month from 9:30–11:30a.m. Informal networking takesplace from 9–9:30 a.m. and11:30 a.m.–noon. If you are unemployedand actively looking,underemployed, seeking a newcareer direction, reentering thejob market after a long employmentgap, or recently retiredand looking for your “EncoreCareer,” this networking groupprogram is perfect for you! Remember,85% of jobs are foundthrough networking!Join us in a professional forumfor networking with peers in asafe and comfortable environmentconducive to developingnew relationships and developingskills and strategies to helpin your career transition. Eachmeeting features a new topic.Meetings include a presentationand interactive workshopon topics relevant to career transition,guest speakers, access tohiring managers, small groupbreakout rooms to network, and50+ Job Seekers Networking Groupone-on-one coaching guidance.Participating on a regular basiswill give job seekers the manytools and strategies needed fora successful job search.Each biweekly meeting is facilitatedby Deborah Hope, MBA,PCIC, an experienced executivecareer coach. Deborah is a formerFortune 500 executive, investmentbanker and entrepreneur.She transitioned to executivecoaching over 12 years ago.Deborah has coached with HarvardBusiness School ExecutiveEducation programs and theMassachusetts Conference forWomen. She has been trained orcertifi ed in a variety of coachingmodels and assessment tools.Deborah has facilitated 50+job seekers networking groupssince 2016.This coming week’s topic (August21) is Career Story. Contactthe Malden Public Libraryat 781-324-0218 to register. Thisgroup is sponsored by approximately50 Massachusetts publiclibraries.Recording Note: This programwill be recorded. All registrantswill receive the recordingvia email within 48 hours ofthe program.SPORTS | FROM PAGE 8all Bostonians and the region’sresidents, visit their website andfollow @savetheharbor on socialmedia.About Triangle, Inc.: This53-year-old disability servicesagency reaches 2,100 peopleevery year in North Shore,Metro North, Greater Boston,South Shore and Worcestercommunities. Triangle offersa variety of services to the disabilitycommunity, includingresidential services, supportedemployment and community-basedday services, workforcedevelopment programsand empowerment programsthat promote self-advocacy,personal safety and communityengagement.RON’S OILCallForPRICEMELROSE, MA02176NEWCUSTOMER’SWELCOMEACCEPTING VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER(781) 397-1930 OR (781) 662-8884100 GALLON MINIMUMTony Bartolo, OwnerEmail:

Page 10THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024At Long Last, Bread of LifeCelebrates Official Grand OpeningMetro North HousingCorporation Vice PresidentLarry Gottlieb said theyreceived more than 400applications for 14 housingunits.Mayor Gary Christenson andformer Bread of Life Presidentsaid the housing componentwill provide 14 individualswith a place that they can callhome.Shown from left to right: Pastor Gerry Whetstone, Councillor-at-Large Craig Spadafora, State Rep.Kate Lipper-Garabedian, State Rep. Paul Donato, Bread of Life Executive Director Gabriella SnyderStelmack, Mayor Gary Christenson and State Rep. Steven Ultrino by the campaign funders sign.Shown from left to right: Dairy Delight employees Joanna Stanton,Abigail Taylor, Bri Stanton and Rashmi KC served ice cream.Bread of Life Board ofDirectors President SeanTwomey said he can’t wait tosee what will happen with thesynergies under one roof.The crowd was standing room only. Guests will eat in the diningroom shown here.Bread of Life ExecutiveDirector Gabriella SnyderStelmack said they had manysetbacks, but that the day hasfinally come.David LaRosa Senatillaka with Eileen Mullen by the outdoorbalconyGuests watched a slideshow about amenities that the newfacility will offer.Karen Brown displayed apainting by Bread of Life’sfirst Executive Director, TomFeagley. Brown’s parents,Francis and Barbara Brown,started Bread of Life.Shown from left to right:Bread of Life ExecutiveDirector Gabriella SnyderStelmack, supporter AttorneyHank Kezer and Bread of LifeDevelopment Director PattyKelly.It was an all-out celebration after 10 years of waiting during Sunday’s reopening of the Breadof Life food pantry and consolidation of programs “under one roof.”(Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Page 11Acton/Maynard, Framingham/Natick, Malden andMarlborough cadets graduate from the MiddlesexSheriff’s Office Youth Public Safety AcademyCHELMSFORD, Mass. –Week #3 of the 2024 MiddlesexSheriff’s Office YouthPublic Safety Academy (YPSA)wrapped up Friday, July 26 withmore than 80 cadets celebratingtheir graduation.Surrounded by family andfriends, the cadets participatingin Week #3 hailed primarilyfrom Acton/Maynard, Framingham/Natick,Malden and Marlborough.“Throughoutthe week, theseyoungsters got to experiencewhat I believe is one of the finestsummer camps around. Theygot to learn valuable safety lessons,build lifelong friendshipswith their fellow cadets, andmeet the police officers and firefighterswho serve their hometowns,”said Sheriff Peter J. Koutoujian.“I am grateful to our outstandingstaff and our communitypartners who continue tomake this camp such a powerfulexperience for the cadets andtheir families.”Over the course of the week,cadets spent time with localpolice and fire officials as wellas with members of the MiddlesexSheriff’s Office. In addition,they took part in teambuilding exercises and participatedin a wide variety of educationallessons focused oninternet, personal and familysafety.Joining Sheriff Koutoujian torecognize the graduates wereMalden Mayor Gary Christenson,State Representative PaulDonato (D-Medford/Malden),Acton Police Chief James Cogan,Natick Police Chief JamesHicks, Malden Fire Chief StephenFroio, Marlborough PoliceChief David Giorgi andFramingham Deputy PoliceChief Ronald Brandolini.Now in its 23rd year, YPSA iscomprised of five, one-weeksessions and is open to individualsages 8-12 living in any MiddlesexCounty community. Childrenages 13-15 may also applyto participate as Counselors-In-Training,or CITs.To learn more about the MiddlesexSheriff’s Office or theYPSA program, please Scam Alert: 7 scams for college students to avoidCollege students mustspend money on tuitionpayments and school suppliesto prepare for the new year.However, scammers are takingthis opportunity to try to stealsome of that money throughvarious schemes and scams.One tactic used to get a student’spersonal information isa phishing email that claimsto be from the school’s “FinancialDepartment.” Messagesvia text or email might appear,instructing the studentto click on a link provided inthe email and log in with a studentusername and password.Don’t do it; doing so couldgive the user name, passwordor other personal informationto scammers while possiblydownloading malware ontothe device.Whether you are startingschool away from home orhave young students whomight be vulnerable to suchscams, the Better BusinessBureau (BBB) recommendswatching out for these financialscams before heading intothe new semester:• Fake credit cards: Offers toapply for the first credit cardare tempting to many students.Not only could this createcredit problems down theroad due to unchecked spending,but some deals could bephony offers designed to accesspersonal information.Research the offers from thecredit card flyers and the bankinginstitutions before applying.Review the BBB tip oncredit card scams.• Too good to be true apartments:It’s hard not to jumpon a convenient apartment soclose to campus, especially if itadvertises affordable rent. It’stempting to hand over creditcard information online to lockin a great spot, but it’s alwaysworth seeing the apartment inperson before a money transfer.This also applies to Craigslistand social media ads appearingto be from other studentslooking for roommates.• ID theft: It’s a good idea tostart practicing healthy moneyhabits, and one such habitis regularly checking yourcredit report for unusual activityand possible ID fraud. Theofficial government website todo this for free is BBB’s articleon identity theft at•Scholarship and grantscams: Be wary of phone callsfrom companies guaranteeingthey can help reduce loanpayments or offer a heftygrant. Searching the company’sname online could bringup scam alerts or negative reviewsfrom other consumers.Read reviews and complaintsabout the company at BBB.organd contact the school’s financialaid office for advice andhelp regarding financing youreducation. Scholarship scamscan affect college studentseven after graduation; readtips on scholarship scams at•Online shopping scams:Online purchase scams canbe especially effective whenset up through social mediaplatforms and apps. BBB hastips for smart shopping onlineand a page dedicated to onlineshopping tips and scamalerts at• Test preparation scams:Scammers pretend to be companiesthat can help studentspass exams, but once studentscorrespond with the company,the scammers use the messagesto blackmail the studentsinto sending funds out of fearof being expelled for cheating.Always read reviews and visit BBB’s ScamTracker ( to look up a potentialscam.• Awareness of currentscams: As tech-savvy as currentcollege students can be,a surprising number of scamsreported to BBB’s ScamTrackerare from students wholearned their lesson too late.Visit to learn the latestscam trends and read local reportsof specific incidents.

Page 12THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024San Rocco Italian Festival HonorsMemory of Butch GennettiBy Tara VocinoThe San Rocco Italian festivalremembered Salvatore“Butch” Gennetti, a longtime SanRocco member and former MaldenPolice Commissioner, thispast weekend. The funds raisedduring the feast are used to offerfinancial and moral support tothose who struggle to addressthe educational, housing andnutritional needs of daily life andare often overlooked by society.San Rocco has arrived following the procession by the SanRocco Society.Malden Police Honor Guard: Shown from left to right are Lt. Scott Carroll, Sgt. Jeff Drees,Detective Mitch Montina, Sgt. Jason Froio and Sgt. Mike Casaletto.Shown from left to right: Maureen Brooks, DennisIppolito, Teri Ippolito and Kathy Hannan enjoyedsausages.The marching band played during the procession.Viva San Rocco: Shown from left to right, are; AnnieCarroll, Dawnmarie Giuliano and Ann Sheehy.Mayor Gary Christenson (left) and Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon joined the marching band for a group photo. Kayla Sullivan displayed an arancini.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Page 13Mayor Gary Christenson (at right) and Police Chief GlennCronin.The Gennetti family members joined San Rocco Society members. Shown front row, from leftto right, are: Dick Barricelli, Sheldon Mover, Joyce Mover, Maria Gennetti, Carla Gennetti, DinaGennetti, Lisa Gennetti Lipani, Mayor Gary Christenson, Michael Cagno, and Dom Fermano.Second row, shown from left: Sheila Fermano, Paul Condon, Anthony Spadafora, SalvatoreGennetti, and Paula Cagno Maddaleni. Third row, from left: Roberto DiMarco, Bill Settemio,Darren Svendsen, Nick Menkello, Paul Condon, Jr., Gina Spadafora, Nico Spadafora, and PeterCaso. Kneeling: Rob Gennetti.Shown from left to right: Salvatore “Butch” Gennetti’s sonin-lawDarren Svendsen, daughter Carla Svendsen, daughterMaria Gennetti, son Sal Gennetti, daughter Lisa Lapaniand daughter Dina Robinson; kneeling is grandson RobbieGennetti, who took his spot in the procession during lastFriday’s Saint Rocco’s Feast.St. Rocco Society members saluted during theNational Anthem.Shown from left to right, are; Dana and MarieBrown and Patty and David Bessette.John Wood made fried doughwith all of the fixings.In front, the Gennetti family saluted the American flag. Shownfrom left to right are daughter Dina Robinson, son-in-lawDarren Svendsen, daughter Carla Svendsen, daughter LisaLipani and family friend Sheila Fermano.Shown from left to right:Viviana and Eva Medeiros andSenan, Aoibhinn and NiamhBrowne traveled from Ireland.Rosaria and Philip Puzzodonated money.12 Barz Band performed jazz and horn music.San Rocco is carried out from the Italian American CitizensClub.

Page 14THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024DIAMOND DUST: Babe Ruth is known for manyfeats and baseball wizardry... but not THIS one!What he did in the Game 7 of the 1926 World Series has NEVER been replicated;but was it a blunder or a simple missed opportunity?Editor’s Note: For over a decade, from about 2005 until it closed up shop in January 2017,the late Malden Evening News ran a regular column called DIAMOND DUST about variousbaseball topics, written by Malden baseball icon the late Bob Rotondi. Today, we attemptto bring back the column, which will publish on as regular a basis as possible.By Steve FrekerThere is no player more celebratedat the National BaseballHall of Fame in Cooperstown,N.Y., than the immortalBabe Ruth. There are over 50 individualexhibits – virtually thegreater part of an entire wing–commemorating the career ofthe player frequently crownedthe greatest of all time. But therewas one game, a Game 7 of oneof the greatest World Series everplayed, for which Babe Ruth wasfar from the most popular playerin the ballyard when it was concluded.TheSt. Louis Cardinals defeatedRuth’s New York Yankees 4games to 3 in the best-of-7 series,which took place from October2 to October 10, 1926, atYankee Stadium in New Yorkand Sportsman’s Park in St. Louis.This was the first World Seriesappearance (and first NationalLeague pennant win) for the Cardinals,and would be the first of11 World Series championshipsin Cardinals history. The Yankeeswere playing in their fourthWorld Series in six years after winningtheir first American Leaguepennant in 1921 and their firstworld championship in 1923.They would play in another incredible36 World Series (and remarkably,win 26 of those).The ending of Game 7 endedin rather infamous fashion,in baseball terms. Every baseballaficionado knows this: Nevermake the first out or third outat third base. The reason is that,with nobody out and a runner atsecond base – already in scoringposition – you have three outs togive the hitter a chance to movethe runner over, or drive the runnerin with a base hit, and withtwo outs, you want to give thehitter a chance to drive them in.There is no real baseball “saying”on this one, but what Babe Ruthdid to end Game 7 and hand theCardinals their first-ever WorldSeries was questionable.In Game 7, the Yankees, trailing3–2 in the bottom of the ninth inningand down to their last out,Ruth walked for the fourth timeof the game, bringing up BobMeusel. Surprisingly, Ruth, a decentbaserunner in his own right,took off for second base on thefirst pitch. Meusel swung andmissed, and catcher Bob O’Farrellthrew to second baseman andplayer/manager Rogers Hornsby,who tagged Ruth out, endingGame 7 and thereby crowninghis Cardinals World Serieschampions for the first time. The1926 World Series remains theonly Series to date which endedwith a baserunner being caughtstealing.Revisited, at the time, The NewYork Times and The SportingNews both reported the play wasa botched “hit and run,” calledby Meusel – with a hand signal– to Ruth, from the plate. ThenMeusel missed contact with thepitch, turning Ruth into a veritabledead duck, with Hornsbykneeling and waiting, ball inglove after the throw by O’Farrell,the catcher. The “hit and run”is a means of getting the runnermoving from first to second, withthe intention of it being basicallymandatory the hitter makes contactto try and catch the infieldersout of position, to make surethe runner gets to second base.The problem we, as baseballarmchair purists, would havewith that explanation is, “Really?Hit and run with TWO OUTS?”Nah. We don’t buy that one.If The Babe was trying to makesomething happen with histeammate hoping against hopeto get a hit against one of thegreatest pitchers of all time inGrover Cleveland Alexander, wecan see that. But it’s rarer thanrare to see any baseball gameend on that particular play –caught stealing – let alone inGame 7 of the World Series!****Unusual game-ending playfrom 1926 World Series actuallyconcluded a Malden Highgame that Tornados won thispast springThe play that ended the 1926MLB World Series where BabeRuth was caught stealing withHere’s the play that ended the 1926 World Serieswhere Babe Ruth (left) of the New York Yankeeswas caught stealing with a tag of St. LouisCardinals second baseman Rogers Hornsby(right). The two iconic immortals were involvedin one of the most famous endings in WorldSeries history. (Courtesy/ACME Newswire)two outs is a true rarity in baseball.It was actually the way a keyMalden High baseball win concludedthis past season, one thatsaw the Golden Tornado squadhave its best season in 30 yearswith a 16-5 overall record.There were two outs and aman on first in the top of theseventh inning, and Lynn Classicalwas down to its last outwith freshman Ryan Bowdridgeon the mound for the Tornados,the third of three pitchers forthe home team that afternoonat Pine Banks Park. Sophom*oreRyan McMahon and junior JakeSimpson had held visiting LynnClassical to three runs as Maldenhad built a 5-3 lead after five innings.After a leadoff strikeout,one of four on the game by Bowdridge,a Rams single put a runneron first. A popup for the secondout left the runner at firstwith Lynn Classical now downto its last out.With the count 1-1, the Ramsrunner broke for second on asteal attempt. Malden High juniorcatcher Bo Stead fired a missileto second, and the seniorcaptain and second basemancaught the throw and taggedthe runner for the third out, endingthe game. For Stead, it washis second runner thrown out inthe game and perhaps the biggestone of his three-year varsitycareer, as Malden completedthe two-game season sweep ofClassical.****St. Louis Cardinals all-time greatest pitcherGrover Cleveland Alexander is followed offthe field by teammates at the end of theGame 7, first-ever World Series clinchingwin.Historic Fraser Field in Lynn will be the site of the 19th AnnualLynn Invitational Showcase being held on August 13, 14 and 15.For more information, go to (Courtesy Photo)Question of the WeekOnly five MLB Baseball Hallof Fame inductees appear withtheir permanent honoree bustswith “no logo” on their hats, apparentlyall of them signifyingthey played or were a teammanager for multiple teams.Can you name them for points?****Lynn Invitational Showcaseevent is coming next week; remainsthe most heavily recruitedin the areaThe most heavily recruitedbaseball showcase event forunderclassmen high schoolbaseball players returns to FraserField in Lynn next week.The 19th Annual Lynn Invitationalwill be held on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday, August13, 14 and 15. Over 120players are expected to participate,including players from Everett,Malden, Saugus and Revere.Local players who tookpart last year included RyanBowdridge (Malden High, 2027),David Ruane (Malden Catholic,2026), Cam Soroko (SaugusHigh, 2025, Bryant Universitycommit) and Nate Soroko (SaugusHigh, 2026).For more information on TheLynn Invitational, go to****Quiz Answer: Pitcher Jim “Catfish”Hunter (1987), ManagerTony La Russa (2014), PitcherGreg Maddux (2014), Pitcher RoyHalladay (2019) and Pitcher MikeMussina (2019).4 – Major Leaguer3 – All-Star2 – Cleanup Hitter1 – Dropout

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Page 15‘JAKE and BAKE’: Simpson slamsthe door shut in Malden’s title winMalden Bambinos win Middlesex League Senior BRL Championshipover Peabody, 8-2; first crown since 2011By Nick Toscaniefore this game, Jake Simpsonhad already establishedhimself as one of the top performersever in Malden Bambinos’history. That is truly sayingsomething, when you’re talkingabout former MLB professionalsfrom Malden High School likeCarmine Cappuccio (ChicagoWhite Sox, Philadelphia Phillies),Richie Barker (Chicago Cubs) anda fireballing righthander whopitched in the 1999 World Seriesfor the Atlanta Braves, KevinMcGlinchy.After Monday night’s lockBdown,slam-the-door-shut pitchingfeat – four innings of scorelessrelief with no walks, one hitand 10 strikeouts in an 8-2 winover Peabody – Simpson wasmissing one item from his Bambinos’portfolio that all those formerMalden greats had on theirresumes but he did not – a ’Ship.Consider Monday night’s resultthe last box checked, as Simpson’sdominating performanceclinched Malden’s first MiddlesexSenior Babe Ruth LeagueChampionship since 2011.“Lights out is an understatementfor Jake in this one,” saidSteve Freker, who has seen all ofthe championship series gamesfor the Bambinos for over 40years, since 1984. “ It was one ofthe most impressive pitching effortsever in the years I have seenwith this team.”Freker said it was one of thebest outings Simpson had puttogether in the past four years,period, including four seasonswith the Malden High varsitybaseball team, which capped itsbest season in 30 years this pastspring (16-5).“Jake was one of the best playersin the Greater Boston League(GBL) this past season, on themound and at the plate, and hejust kept it going this summer,”said Freker, heading into his 9thseason next spring in his secondtour as Malden High baseballHead Coach.Malden Catholic rising juniorand Everett resident David Ruanestarted the game on themound for the Bambinos andallowed just one earned run andscattered four hits over his threefull innings of work. Ruane, whoworked his way into a regularThe Malden Bambinos won the 2024 Middlesex Senior Babe Ruth League Championship with an 8-2 win over Peabody atHoward Park/Rotondi Field on Monday night. (Courtesy Photo/Malden Bambinos)starter for first-year Head CoachDave Valdez’s Lancers this pastspring, was the beneficiary ofsome solid defense by his infieldof Ryan McMahon at third base,Simpson at third, Billy Gavin atsecond and Chris Macdonaldat first, as well as Joe D’Oraziobehind the plate, to keep Peabodyto no runs in the first twoinnings.After Malden had taken a 2-0lead with a pair in the secondinning on a couple of walks andsome wild pitches, Peabodytied the game with two hits forone run and a costly error for asecond run in the third inning.Malden came right back andscratched out a go-ahead runon a clutch, opposite field linedrive single by rookie Devin Milonopoulosin the bottom of thethird inning, to make it 3-2, Malden.That turned out to be theeventual game-winning runas the top of the fourth inningsignaled the arrival of Simpsonon the mound. Milonopouloswould go on to ring up twomore hits and go three-for-threeon the night with a whoppingfour RBIs out of the number 9slot in the batting order. Rightbehind him at number 10 wasChris Macdonald, who had twoclutch hits and two RBIs to makethe bottom of the order the offensivestars of the day.Back to the top of the fourthinning, that loud “Boom” everyoneheard at Howard Park/RotondiField when Simpson tookthe mound was the MaldenHigh All-Star slamming the doorshut for the Bambinos. All he didwas strike out the side for twostraight innings – in the fourthand the fifth – and the first twobatters of the sixth inning, eightstraight K’s, before a hitter managedto get a base hit. A fly ballout ended that threat.Meanwhile Malden scoredanother run in bottom of thefourth, two more in the fifth fora 6-2 lead and two in the sixth foran 8-2 lead, mostly on the continuedheroics of Milonopoulosand Macdonald, as the pairdrove in most of the rest of theruns. Simpson continued to ownit in the last inning, with strikeout,groundout and strikeoutin order in the seventh to sealthe deal and cause a celebrationand dogpile on the moundfor Malden.****Simpson sensational,Coggswell, Curcio ripit up in 14-4 semifinalwin over BedfordJake Simpson went the distancewith a three-hitter and12 strikeouts in a 14-4 win overBedford in a run rule-shortened,five-inning win over Bedford inthe semifinals at Pine Banks Parkon August 1. Leading the way atthe plate for Malden were veteransRyan Coggswell and JustinCurcio, each with two hits andtwo RBIs. Simpson and BrayanJose also had two hits and twoRBIs – and two stolen basesapiece.Peabody knocked off Bedford,6-2 in the other semifinal gameon Sunday at Howard Park/RotondiField.****Malden Bambinos2024 MiddlesexSenior BRL ChampsThe Malden Bambinos 2024Middlesex Senior Babe RuthChampionship Team is coachedby David Milonopoulos, BrandonMcMahon and Phil Cook.The team is sponsored by MaldenBabe Ruth League and itsboard members. Team membersinclude: Ryan Coggswell,Jake Simpson, Justin Curcio,Joe D’Orazio, Zeke Noelsaint,Bo Stead, Ryan McMahon, ChrisMacdonald, Brayan Jose, BillyGavin, Devin Milonopoulos, ColinOkoth, Aidan Brett, Matt CandelarioDa Costa, Eudy Francisco,Tommy Cronin, Gino Spadafora,Jordan Caplis, Nick D’Anna,Jayden Rivera.****Malden BambinosChampionship History1986 – Malden defeats Cambridgefor Middlesex Championship(MVP – Carmine Cappuccioand David Marsters)1991 – Malden defeats Arlingtonfor Middlesex Championship(MVP – Richie Barker andHenry Dorazio)1994 – Malden defeats Arlingtonfor Middlesex Championship(MVP – Kurt Gaudet andKevin McGlinchy)1995 – Malden defeats Cambridgefor Middlesex Championship(MVP – Kevin McGlinchyand Rich Griffin)2001 – Malden defeats Cambridgefor Middlesex Championship(MVP – Mike Hudd andJason Sablone)2008 – Malden defeats Lexingtonfor Middlesex Championship(MVP – Nate Witkowskiand Pete Copa)2009 – Malden defeats Cambridgefor Middlesex Championship(MVP – Nate Witkowski)2011 – Malden defeats Lexingtonfor Middlesex Championship(MVP – Jeremy Robertsand Paul Yanakopulos)2024 – Malden defeats Peabodyfor Middlesex Championship(MVP – Jake Simpson andRyan Coggswell)****Malden Bambinos recordsthrough the years2024: 12-3; 2023: 11-4; 2022:8-5; 2021: 9-5; 2020: 8-7; 2019:12-8; 2018: 10-8; 2017: 9-9; 2016:11-7; 2015: 10-7; 2014: 13-5;2013: 14-6; 2012: 16-5; 2011: 175;2010: 11-10; 2009: 15-4; 2008:16-4; 2007: 15-7; 2006: 16-7;2005: 15-7; 2004: 17-4; 2003: 139;2002: 14-7; 2001: 13-10; 2000:16-7; 1999: 12-10; 1998: 14-9;1997: 13-11; 1996: 12-12; 1995:24-4; 1994: 33-5; 1993: 23-22-4;1992: 25-17; 1991: 24-11-3; 1990:19-12; 1989: 12-11; 1988: 19-6;1987: 18-5-2; 1986: 21-6; 1985:19-4-2; 1984: 15-5-1 – TOTALS:749-294-12 (.714)

Page 16THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024MAPC awarded grant to continue heat resilience work throughstate Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness ProgramAugust 13, 2024 – BOSTON –The Healey-Driscoll Administrationawarded the MetropolitanArea Planning Council(MAPC) nearly $500,000 to buildupon years of work within theregion to better prepare for andrespond to the impacts of climate-drivenheat in Chelsea, Everett,Malden, Revere, and Winthrop.The Municipal VulnerabilityPreparedness (MVP) ActionGrant will fund MAPC’s “Lower-MysticCool Communicationsto Build Regional Heat Resiliency”project, which will addressthe lack comprehensive strategiesfor effectively communicatingwith vulnerable populationsbefore, during, and afterextreme heat events. In addition,it will help inform developmentof tiered heat warningthresholds and early alert systemsthat account for disproportionaterisks among prioritypopulations.The project team will work todesign a creative and linguisticallyand culturally relevant heatcommunications campaign inpartnership with community-basedorganizations, communityliaisons, and local artistsand designers. The heat resiliencecommunications camFOUNDATION| FROM PAGE 7cluded by the inhabitants of thistown, that Mr. Graves do modeland lay out the form of the town,with streets about the Hill...eachinhabitant have a two acre lotto plant upon, and all to fencein common; which was accordinglyby Mr. Graves measuredout unto them.”“…Ralph Sprague and othersbegan to build their houses,and to prepare fencing for theirlots, which [were] afterwardsset up almost in a semi-circularform on the south and southeastside of that field laid outto them, which lies situatedon the north-west side of theTown Hill.”In 1629, Graves designed the“Great House,” which wouldserve as the residence of GovernorWinthrop and as the colpaignwill leverage existingwork by the Mystic River WatershedAssociation, MAPC, andthe Metropolitan Mayors Coalition,including lessons learnedthrough Keeping Metro BostonCool, the COVID-Safe Coolingprogram, COVID-19 communications,and other public healthcampaigns.“With extreme heat becomingincreasingly frequent, MAPC’sleadership in heat resiliency isboth timely and critical,” saidSecretary Rebecca Tepper ofthe Executive Office of Energyand Environmental Affairs.“These projects highlight the urgentneed for innovative solutionsand collaborative action.We’re proud to support this vitalwork, which is essential for creatinga more resilient and adaptivefuture.”MAPC Principal Planner SashaShyduroff-Gutman added, “Overthe long-term, the success ofthis project will be reflected inthe effective and on-going mobilizationof trusted messengersand municipal communicationinfrastructure to engage residents.Sustaining and expandingthese efforts will contributeto a reduction in climate-relatedhealth outcomes and disony’smeetinghouse. Around100 men from Salem participatedin its construction. Accordingto the Graves instructions, theyalso laid out streets and dividedland into two-acre lots forthe settlers.Another creation of ThomasGraves was the town fort onthe top of Town Hill. It had palisadesand flankers and was builtunder his direction by all thesettlers, including women andchildren, because many peopledied during the harsh winterin 1630.To be continued…(Inna Babitskaya is a Maldenhistorian; a member of the MaldenHistorical Commission andthe author of historical books“From Maldon to Malden,” “Timeof Converse” and “Fellsmere Park– Emerald of Malden.”)For Advertising withResults,call The AdvocateNewspapersat 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.netparities.”Through research completedwith Wicked Hot Mystic [],Chelsea, Everett,Malden, Revere, and Winthropwere identified as municipalitieswith urban heat islands upto 10 degrees Fahrenheit hotterthan in the coolest parts ofthe watershed. Many communitiesliving and working in urbanheat islands are at increased riskof the health impacts of extremeheat and may lack the resourcesto adapt and prepare.“As our summers get longerand hotter, we need to prioritizeexpanding our publichealth capacity for communicationand surveillance work.That is why receiving the ‘LowerMystic Cool Communicationsto Build Regional Heat Resiliency’MVP program ActionGrant is so important,” said LaurenBuck RN, BSN, MPH, chief ofhealth and human services anddirector of public health withthe City of Revere.MAPC will work with researchersat the Boston UniversitySchool of Public Health (BUSPH),including Professor GregoryWellenius, director of the Centerfor Climate and Health at BostonUniversity, who previously ledan analysis finding a substantialnumber of excess deaths andemergency department visitson hot days that were not sufficientlyhot to trigger heat alerts.The team will obtain and analyzehealth data from the MassachusettsCenter for Health InformationAnalysis to better understandthe regional and localheat exposure thresholds thattrigger adverse public healthimpacts in the focus communities.This analysis will inform thedevelopment of updated andregionally-specific heat thresholds,tailored to account for thedisproportionate risks faced bypriority populations like olderadults, young children, and outdoorworkers.“I am thrilled to partner withthe MAPC on this essential project.Although the health risksfrom extreme heat are wellknown, this effort will help usbetter understand how heat riskvaries from one neighborhoodto another and take steps to betterprotect people in those communitiesthat need help most,”said Professor Wellenius.The project will take a systems-basedand community-drivenapproach to buildBeaconHillRoll CallBy Bob KatzenGET A FREE SUBSCRIPTIONTO MASSTERLIST – Join morethan 22,000 people, from moversand shakers to political junkiesand interested citizens, whostart their weekday morningwith MASSterList—the popularnewsletter that chronicles newsand informed analysis aboutwhat’s going on up on BeaconHill, in Massachusetts politics,policy, media and influence. Thestories are drawn from majornews organizations as well asspecialized publications.MASSterlist will be e-mailedto you FREE every Mondaythrough Friday morning andwill give you a leg up on what’shappening in the blood sportof Bay State politics. For moreinformation and to get yourfree subscription, go to: HOUSE AND SENATE:BeaconHill Roll Call recordslocal representatives’ andsenators’ votes on roll calls fromrecent sessions$5.1 BILLION FOR HOUSING(H 4977)House 128-24, Senate 372,approved and Gov. MauraHealey signed into law a housingbill that would authorize$5.1 billion in borrowing to spurhousing production in the BayState.Supporters said the packagemakes crucial policy changeswith the goal of building newhousing, accelerating the rehabilitationof existing housing,reducing barriers to developmentand promoting affordablehousing.They noted that key provisionsinclude allowing accessorydwelling units, investment inmodernizing the state’s publichousing system, boosts to programsthat support first-timehomebuyers and homeownership,incentives to build morehousing for low to moderate-incomeresidents, support for theconversion of vacant commercialspace to housing and supportfor sustainable and greenhousing initiatives.“The Affordable Homes Actcreates homes for every kindof household, at every stage oflife and unlocks the potential inour neighborhoods,” said Gov.Healey. “Today we are taking anunprecedented step forward inbuilding a stronger Massachusettswhere everyone can affordto live."“The Affordable Homes Acting climate resilience to extremeheat by strengtheningsocial connectedness and supportnetworks among communitymembers, organizations,and municipalities within theLower Mystic. Research showsthat investments in social infrastructure– the communityassets, programs, policies, andcommunication pathways thatfacilitate relationships and collectiveaction – builds communityresilience.“Lower-Mystic Cool Communications”will apply best practicesfrom MAPC’s previous municipal-communitypartnershipsfor climate resilience. The2022 MAPC MetroWest ClimateEquity Project [],involvingAshland, Framingham, andNatick took a similar approach:successfully engaging residentsand community groups to leadoutreach and co-design twoclimate resilience communicationcampaigns. This new projectwill adapt these strategies,including hiring community liaisonsand creating culturally resonantemergency resources, toaddress extreme heat … in theLower Mystic the first, major critical stepneeded in addressing our housingcrisis,” said Rep. James Arciero(D-Littleton), House Chair ofthe Committee on Housing. “Itreduces barriers for individualsseeking affordable home options,increases housing productionand inventory and createsmore tools in the toolbox tohelp cities and towns offer moreaffordable housing options. Thisencompassing bill showcasescritical input from our stateand local officials, communitystakeholders, advocates andresidents.”“If Massachusetts leaders declare‘Mission Accomplished’on the housing crisis, they’ll beabandoning millions of Massachusettsresidents to a brokenhousing market that is drivingfamilies into homelessnessand pushing workers out ofour state,” said Carolyn Chou,Director of Homes for All Mass.“The housing bond bill includesmeaningful funding to supportpublic housing and build newaffordable housing, but legislatorsfailed to include any toolsto help renters who are facingenormous rent hikes and evictiontoday.”“Passing a major massive,complicated measure like thisBHRC| SEE PAGE 17

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Page 17BHRC | FROM PAGE 16without even an abbreviatedopportunity to read what wasin the bill was not somethingI was willing to embrace,” saidRep. Matt Muratore (R-Plymouth).“This bill was passed onAugust 1st around 9 a.m. afterbeing in session since July 31stat noon. We had very little timeto review.”(A “Yes” vote is for the bill. A “No”vote is against it.)Rep. Paul DonatoRep. Steven UltrinoSen. Jason LewisYesYesYes$1.5 MILLION FOR WATERAND SEWER RELIEF (H 4800)House 155-2, overrode Gov.Healey’s veto of the entire $1.5million for the MassachusettsSewer Rate Relief Fund whichwas established in 1993 to helpreduce the rising costs of sewerservices in the Bay State.The Senate did not act on theveto so the veto stands and the$1.5 million was eliminated.“I am vetoing this item to anamount consistent with myHouse [budget] recommendation,”said Gov. Healey.(A “Yes” vote is for the $1.5 million.A “No” vote is against it.)Rep. Paul DonatoRep. Steven UltrinoYesYes$800,000 FOR DEPARTMENTOF AGRICULTUREFOOD PROGRAMS (H 4800)House 155-2, overrode Gov.Healey’s veto of $800,000 (reducingfunding from $12.7million to $11.9 million) forthe Department of Agriculture.The veto includes cuts of$100,000 from the MassachusettsFood Trust Program; another$100,000 from the BuyLocal effort; and the entire$250,000 for local food policycouncils.The Senate did not act on theveto so the veto stands and the$800,000 was eliminated.“I am reducing this item tothe amount projected to benecessary,” said Gov. Healey. “Iam reducing two earmarks toamounts more consistent withmy House [budget] recommendationand eliminating one programearmark that was intendedto be a one-year program.(A “Yes” vote is for the $800,000. A“No” vote is against it.)Rep. Paul DonatoRep. Steven UltrinoYesYes$5 MILLION FOR FOOD SECURITY(H 4800)House 155-2, overrode Gov.Healey’s veto of $5 million (reducingfunding from $10 millionto $5 million) for the FoodSecurity Infrastructure GrantProgram which was createdto ensure that individuals andfamilies have access to food, especiallyfood that is producedlocally, and equitable access tofood. The program also seeksto ensure that farmers, fishermanand other local food producersare better connected toa strong, resilient food system tohelp mitigate future food supplyand distribution disruption.The Senate did not act on theveto so the veto stands and the$5 million was eliminated.“I am reducing this item tothe amount projected to benecessary due to the availabilityof alternative resources,” saidGov. Healey.(A “Yes” vote is for the $5 million. A“No” vote is against it.)Rep. Paul DonatoRep. Steven UltrinoYesYesDISABILITY PENSION FORPOLICE OFFICERS (S 2887)Senate 40-0, approved andGov. Healey signed into law legislationthat would provide policeofficers who have suffereda violent act injury, 100 percentregular compensation and pensionbenefits, until they reachthe age of mandatory retirement.Violent act injury is definedas “a serious and permanentpersonal bodily injury sustainedas a direct and proximateresult of a violent attack upon aperson by means of a dangerousweapon, including a firearm,knife, automobile, explosivedevice or other dangerousweapon.”Supporters said that undercurrent law, a first responderforced to retire due to a violentact injury can only receive benefitsthrough the local retirementboard via the home rule legislativeprocess. They said this processis onerous and has resultedin disparate benefits beinggranted on a case-by-case basis.“Our first responders goabove and beyond to keepour communities safe and respondto emergencies,” saidGov. Healey. “That’s why it’s criticalthat we support them whenthey experience emergenciesof their own. This legislationensures that first responderswho are injured in the lineof duty have access to the payand health care, including mentalhealth care, that they need tosupport their families and theirroad to recovery.”(A “Yes” vote is for the bill.)Sen. Jason Lewis YesALSO UP ON BEACON HILLPARENTAGE EQUALITY (S2906) – Gov. Healey signed intolaw legislation changing howa family is defined in state law.Supporters said the new lawwould ensure legal parentageequality by protecting LGBTQ+families, and children bornthrough surrogacy and assistedreproduction, in forming the legalbond of a parent-child relationship.They said the measurewould dismantle archaic legalbarriers to basic parenting responsibilitiesfor modern families,opening the door to legallyattend and make decisionsduring medical appointments,manage a child’s finances, participatein educational decisionsand provide authorizations for achild’s travel.“Our laws need to reflect therealities of modern families andthe loving environments wherechildren grow and flourish,” Gov.Healey said. “This moment is avictory for all families in Massachusettswho deserve to betreated with dignity and to havetheir rights recognized and protectedunder the law.”PROTECT FIREFIGHTERS(S 2902) – The House and Senateapproved and sent to Gov.Healey a measure that wouldrequire a manufacturer or personthat sells Firefighting PersonalProtective Equipmentto any person or governmentagency, to provide, beginningJanuary 1, 2025, written noticeto the buyer, at the time of sale,if the equipment contains toxicper- and polyfluoroalkyl substancechemicals, known asPFAS. The seller would also haveto provide the reason the chemicalswere added to the equipment.Beginning on January 1,2027, the bill prohibits any personfrom manufacturing, knowinglyselling or distributing anyequipment containing intentionallyadded PFAS chemicals."My office originally filedthis bill in 2019 in collaborationwith The Professional Firefightersof Massachusetts (PFFM)and Clean Water Action,” saidleadsponsor Rep. Jim Hawkins(D-Attleboro). “With each legislativesession, we refiled, improvedupon the language andaided in the unwavering dedicationof PFFM as they advocatedtirelessly for their members… Despite improvements incancer care, our firefighters arestill becoming sick and dyingfrom occupational cancers at arate more than twice the generalpopulation. It is our duty toprotect those who protect us. Iam proud to have played a partin this momentous passing.”“Ask anyone how the majorityof firefighter line-of-dutydeaths occur — most willprobably guess smoke inhalationor on-call injury,” said Sen.Mike Moore (D-Millbury). “Theshocking truth is that, from2002 to 2019, cancer accountedfor 66 percent of firefighterdeaths, according to the InternationalAssociation of Firefighters.PFAS exposure fromfirefighting equipment is a crisisfor firefighters and the communitiesthey serve.”“This is great news,” said DeirdreCummings, MASSPIRG’sLegislative director. “Firefightersput their lives on the line to protectus in an emergency, and wemust make sure the gear theywear will protect them.”VETERANS BENEFITS (S2817) – Gov. Healey signedinto law legislation designedto benefit veterans in the BayState by broadening the definitionof a veteran, increasingtax credits and state benefitsfor which they are eligible andmodernizing the services onwhich they rely.Provisions include increasingbenefits for disabled veteransand Gold Star family members;bolstering new and existinginitiatives for municipalitiesand businesses to support veterans;creating comprehensiveservices for active-duty servicemembers and military families;expanding the scope of the VeteransEquality Review Board;and codifying medical, behavioralhealth and dental benefits.The measure also requiresseveral working groups to reviewpost-traumatic stress disorderin veterans, mental healthtreatments for veterans andoverall quality of life for veteransin Massachusetts.Supporters said the legislationwill boost support for hundredsof thousands of individualsacross the state who haveserved in the United States military,including nearly 30,000women veterans and thousandsof LGBTQ+ veterans.“This is our most comprehensiveveterans legislation in over20 years, and it’s the result ofMassachusetts coming togetherto make veterans our priority,”said Gov. Healey. “From thestart, our administration hasbeen dedicated to revitalizingveterans' services in Massachusetts,ensuring that every heroreceives the benefits, resourcesand support they deserve. Aswe celebrate the 250th anniversaryof our country – we can andwill be the state where veteransand service members continueto lead and make all our freedomand success possible.”“Massachusetts has a longhistory of prioritizing the needsof our veterans and servicemembers and I am thrilled thatthe [bill] is on its way to the governor'sdesk to continue thistradition,” said Sen. John Velis(D-Westfield), Senate chairof the Committee on Veteransand Federal Affairs. “Less thanone half of one percent of ournation bravely raise their righthand and pledge to defend ournation no matter the costs. Wemust always remember, recognizeand honor these sacrificeshowever we can, and passageof this legislation is an importantstep toward fulfilling thatmission.”“The [measure] enhancesthe quality of life for veteransin the commonwealth by makingcritical investments in benefitsprograms, expanding accessto services and creating policiesto ensure our veterans andtheir families are well-informedabout the benefits and servicesavailable to them,” said Rep. GerryCassidy (D-Brockton), Housechair of the Committee on Veteransand Federal Affairs.DOMESTIC ASSAULT ANDJOBS (S 2934) – Senate approvedand sent to the Housea bill that would extend employmentprotection for workersemployed through a temporaryhiring agency. These workers,if they are victims of domesticassault, could not have theircontract terminated if they missa reasonable amount of time forcertain appointments. Coveredappointments include doctor'sappointments, hospital staysand court dates. This wouldmirror the protections currentlygranted to bona fide employeesof a company.“This bill has been filed andpushed by Sen. Fattman andme after a tragic incident thatoccurred to a constituent ofours,” said co-sponsor Rep. JoeMcKenna (R-Webster). “AmandaDabrowski was a victim ofdomestic assault and had hertemporary agency contractterminated after missing timebecause she was in the hospital.Tragically, partly due to herloss of work, her life took a fewchallenging turns and she wasultimately tracked and murderedby the same violent perpetrator.”"Noone who’s a victim ofdomestic violence should losetheir job because they are unableto attend work due to theinjuries they sustained from domesticabuse,” said co-sponsorSen. Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton).“Victims of domestic violenceneed to be protected, and thislegislation will be one step instrengthening our laws to makesure this happens. In Amanda'shonor, the Dabrowski familywould like to make sure thatsomething good comes out ofthis very tragic situation.”QUOTABLE QUOTES“Survivors of sexual assaultalready have so many obstaclesto overcome when bringingtheir experiences forward.We have tools to hold perpetratorsaccountable and helpsurvivors but unaddressed delaysminimize the injustice experiencedby survivors andplace others at risk for potentialassaults. The Executive Officeof Public Safety and Securityneeds to take these mattersseriously, and ensure thesekits are being tracked correctly,processing kits on time and inaccordance with the law.”---State Auditor DianaDiZoglio on her ExecutiveOffice of Public Safety andSecurity audit which identifiesissues with oversight ofsexual assault evidence collectionkits.“Our governor and her administrationhave committed to beingclimate champions. ReducBHRC|SEE PAGE 19

Page 18THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024IMMIGRANTS | FROM PAGE 5Corporation, to repair the waterdamage and foundation cracks.“I feel I had to give back to mycommunity, the school and public,”Mejias said outside MaldenHigh School. “I don’t think there’senough of that.”Nelson Masonry & ConstructionCorp. Manager Nelson Martinezvolunteered his time alongwith fellow mason, Antonio Telule,who also emigrated from ElSalvador having served as a USArmy Major/Sgt. in Iraq. The costof the repairs would have beenMalden High School Asst.Principal John Benotti’s nameis shown at top of the city seal.The city seal was dedicatedin memory of John Ciavarro.GRANTOR-TYPE TRUSTSAS OWNERS OF SUB SCORPORATION STOCKAs part of the estate planningprocess, it is a goodidea to consider transferringcommon stock in a SubchapterS Corporationto a wholly-ownedgrantor-type trustin order to avoid probate inthe event of the stockholder’sdeath as well as for estatetax planning. Many businesseshave adopted S Corporationstatus for tax purposes.With an S Corporation, the incomeor loss is passed throughto the individual stockholdervia a Schedule K-1 form inorder for the income or lossto be reported on the stockholder’sForm 1040. Assumingthe stockholder has enoughstockholder basis in the corporation,any loss incurred bythe corporation can be passedthrough to the stockholder tooffsetincome such as wages,interest, dividends, net rentalincome, etc. IRC Section1361(c)(2) allows for a grantor-typeTrust to be an eligibleshareholder of an S Corporation.Allrevocable trusts are grantor-typeTrusts. If structuredproperly, even an irrevocableTrust can be deemed a grantor-typeTrust for tax purposes.If a stockholder wishes to transferhis or her common stock certificateto a revocable or irrevocableTrust, he or she would bethe Settlor (the Grantor) of sucha Trust, the Trustee of such aTrust and the income beneficiaryof the Trust. If an irrevocableTrust is the preferred optiondue to asset protection reasonssuch as nursing home costs,some people will look to namea child the Trustee. If the Trust isdrafted properly and there arenot any circ*mstances wherea principal distribution can bemade to the Settlor, then thecommon stock in the irrevocableTrust should not be a countableasset for purposes of MassHealtheligibility, even if the Settloralso serves as Trustee.The Settlor (Grantor) of thegrantor-type Trust must bedeemed the owner of the entireTrust and must be a UnitedStates citizen or resident.If the Grantor dies, the grantor-typeTrust would still be apermissible stockholder fortwo years following the Grantor’sdeath. In the event of theGrantor’s death, for S Corporationincome tax purposes,the Trust would be considereda non-grantor administrativeTrust under Internal RevenueCode Section 1361(c)(2)(A)(ii).No election is necessary to befiled with the IRS in order for agrantor-type Trust to be an eligibleshareholder of an S Corporation.AGrantor-Type Trust tax returncould be filed in order toreport the Schedule K-1 incomeor loss generated by theS Corporation. A Grantor letterwould then be deliveredto the Grantor of the Trust sothat the Grantor could reportthe net income or net loss figureon his or herfederal andMassachusetts individual incometaxreturn.Joseph D. Cataldo is an estate planning/elder law attorney,Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Planner, AICPAPersonal Financial Specialist and holds a master’s degree in taxation.approximately $6,000 in labor,materials and time.“This country offers a lot ofopportunities,” Martinez saidwhile standing beside the cityseal. “And I like restoring things.”Martinez is also originally fromEl Salvador but has been livingin the United States for 31 years.MUSINGS | FROM PAGE 6shook Malden (in a good way) inJuly of ’63. Hard to believe andreally cool, but true. One of theoriginal Rat Pack era icons madea short but unforgettable tripto Malden, leaving an impressionthat is still felt today. As reportedin publisher and well-respectedman about town, (Mollyand Earl Brickman’s grandfather)David Brickman’s MaldenEvening News:July 11, 1963 – ComedianThrills Youngsters… “Jerry LewisGets Big Welcome”By Jean McSweeney“Malden’s Granada Theaterprovided hundreds of youngsterswith the thrill of a younglifetime Wednesday afternoonin the form of the real-life gangling,madcap comedian JerryLewis – in person.“With a crowd of 2,050 insidethe theater, mostly membersof the younger set, stompingon the floor chanting ‘We wantJerry,’ after having sat throughhis latest film, ‘The Nutty Professor,’Jerry was greeted by morecrowds outside.“His arrival, 5 minutes earlierthan scheduled, led some unThecity seal was dedicated inmemory of Cliff Sauvageau.(Courtesy photos, Victor Mejias)Mejias said the seal had seenbetter days – with nothing beingdone about the deteriorationcaused by time and weatherfor over three decades, andhe thought it was time to get itsome help.“This country did so much forNelson, and he wanted to giveinformed spectators to guessthat one of the Kennedy familywas dropping in for dinner at theKernwood Restaurant next door.“A black limousine, licenseplate 4X, pulled up to the DartmouthStreet side entrance ofThe Granada, and a swarm ofyoungsters immediately engulfedthe auto.“Quickly following was a secondlimousine, 2X, carrying musicians,agents and other entouragemembers.“Jerry sat in the limo for severalminutes as dozens of eyes priedinto the shadows of the auto fora glimpse of a live movie star.“The entrance was over in aflash as Jerry stepped out, surveyedthe sea of faces shouting‘Hi Jerry,’ and hustled into thetheater, with local police keepinga path open.“A retinue of some 9 associates,five of them musicians,quickly went into action backstageto set up their equipmentfor the 15-minute personal appearancewhile Lewis had onelast cigarette.”Loud Cheers“The cheers were deafening asthe movie and TV star for whomback in some way,” Mejias saidabout his helpers. And he wasgrateful to be able to help in restoringthe city seal in the countrythat gave them a home andto also keep alive the memoryof some fellow classmates whomeant so much to so many.some had waited since 9:30 a.m.,walked into the spotlight singing‘When You’re Smiling.’ For thenext 15 minutes he held his audiencein the palm of his handentertaining them with little bitsof dancing, comedy, and song.“Lewis brought the worldof show business to MaldenWednesday not only by his ownpresence but also in the form ofa three-minute film clip of ‘goofs’from the set of ‘The Nutty Professor.’A ‘goof,’ Hollywood style, iswhen someone on the set of themovie breaks up in laughter ormakes a mistake while the filmingis going on.“His closing number, ‘Rock-abye Your Baby,’ which has becomea Lewis standard, came alltoo soon for his audience whoindicated by their stomps andscreams that they could havestayed there for hours more.“But behind the scenes, theman called ‘the clown,’ ‘the nut,’was observed to be a highlycomplex and exacting personwho demands perfection fromhimself and his associates andaccepts nothing less.“Obviously tired from a dayMUSINGS| SEE PAGE 20Like us on Facebook advocate Rooney was rememberedon the city seal.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Page 19Blue Cross Blue Shield of MassachusettsSponsors Free Bluebikes Day Passes on“Mindful Mondays” during National Wellness MonthMassachusetts’ largest health plan creates opportunitiesfor physical exercise via Metro Boston’s public bike sharesystem to boost mental wellbeing every Monday in AugustBOSTON (August 1, 2024) —In recognition of NationalWellness Month, Blue Cross BlueShield of Massachusetts (“BlueCross”) is launching its fourthannual “Mindful Mondays” initiativeby off ering free BluebikesDay Passes every Monday in August,starting August 5. This initiativeaims to highlight the positiveimpact mindfulness activitieslike biking can have on one’soverall health and wellbeing.The free Day Passes are accessibleacross Bluebikes’ 13 municipalities,including Arlington,Boston, Brookline, Cambridge,Chelsea, Everett, Malden, Medford,Newton, Revere, Salem,Somerville, and Watertown. Asthe title sponsor of Bluebikes,Blue Cross is dedicated to fosteringcommunity well-beingand mental health. The systemis municipally owned and operatedunder contract by Lyft.Riders can take advantage offree Day Passes on each “MindfulMonday” by entering the appliBHRC| FROM PAGE 17ing food waste remains an unrealizedopportunity towardthat goal. We urge state policymakersto take on reduction offood waste as a top priority. Wehave a menu of strategies to dojust that.”---Janet Domenitz, ExecutiveDirector of MASSPIRGon the group’s new report“How to Reduce Food Wastein Massachusetts." The reportsays that despite significantprogress in reducingit, food waste still accountsfor about 22 percent of Massachusetts’trash, with nearlyone million tons of foodwaste sent to landfi lls andincinerators each year.“Jobs are a great way foryoung people to learn skillsand improve their communities,and it is essential that employersprovide safe and healthy workenvironment. I am proud of thework my offi ce has done to upliftand protect our youth in theworkplace, and we will continueto protect them by ensuringthat companies are complyingwith our child labor laws.”--- Attorney General AndreaCampbell highlightingmore than $4.1 millionin penalties and restitutionagainst Massachusetts employersthat have violatedMassachusetts’ child laborcable code on the Bluebikes App.Each code will unlock one freeDay Pass, which includes unlimitedcomplimentary two-hour pedalbike rides during a 24-hour period,and free ebike unlocks. Riderscan also upgrade to ebike ridesfor an additional per minute fee.The codes for each Mondayare as follows:- August 19: BLUECROSS19- August 26: BLUECROSS26Research underscores themental health benefi ts of biking.A Healthline report highlightsthat biking fosters stable mindfulnessand alleviates stress, depression,and anxiety. Furthermore,a study by the NationalInstitute of Health (NIH) revealsthat outdoor biking enhancescognitive functioning andoverall well-being, particularlyamong older adults.“This National WellnessMonth, we emphasize the criticalrole of mental health in overallwell-being,” said Jeff Bellows,vice president of corporate citilaws.“Thesenewly approved loansand grants demonstrate theTrust’s strong commitment toensuring low-cost financingfor water projects throughoutour state. Safe and reliable waterinfrastructure is essential forhealthy communities, and wewill continue to leverage thisfunding for the cities and townsthat need it.”--- Deb Goldberg, StateTreasurer and chair of theMassachusetts Clean WaterTrust, announcing $60.4million in new low-interestloans and grants to helpcommunities build or replacewater infrastructure,ensure the safety of drinkingwater and protect publichealth.HOW LONG WAS LASTWEEK’S SESSION?Beacon Hill Roll Call tracksthe length of time that theHouse and Senate were in sessioneach week. Many legislatorssay that legislative sessionsare only one aspect of the Legislature’sjob and that a lot of importantwork is done outsideof the House and Senate chambers.They note that their jobsalso involve committee work,research, constituent work andother matters that are importantto their districts. Critics saythat the Legislature does notmeet regularly or long enoughzenship and public aff airs at BlueCross. “For the fourth consecutiveyear, our ‘Mindful Mondays’initiative is committed to nurturingboth mental and physicalhealth across Greater Boston.We encourage residents and visitorsto harness the benefi ts of aBluebikes ride and enhance theirhealth by getting outdoors.”Blue Cross has served as Bluebikes’title sponsor since May2018 and remains committedto supporting and extendingpublic bike sharing in GreaterBoston as a safe, sustainableand accessible public transportationoption through its partnershipwith the municipal ownersof Bluebikes and Lyft. In thesix years of Blue Cross’ sponsorship,the system has doubledin size, adding more than 200stations, 400 pedal bikes and,most recently, 750 next-generationebikes to its fl eet. Last December,Blue Cross announcedits title sponsorship extensionthrough debate and vote in publicview on the thousands of piecesof legislation that have beenfi led. They note that the infrequencyand brief length of sessionsare misguided and leadto irresponsible late-night sessionsand a mad rush to act ondozens of bills in the days immediatelypreceding the endof an annual session.During the week of August5-9. the House met for a totalof one hour and two minutesand the Senate met for a totalof 55 minutes.Mon. August 5House11:01 a.m. to 11:13 a.m.Senate 11:06 a.m. to 11:20a.m.Tues.August 6No House sessionNo Senate session.Wed. August 7No House sessionNo Senate sessionThurs. August 8House11:02 a.m. to 11:52a.m.Senate 11:08 a.m. to 11:49a.m.Fri. August 9No House sessionNo Senate sessionBob Katzen welcomesfeedback at bob@beaconhillrollcall.comBobfounded Beacon HillRoll Call in 1975 and was inductedinto the New EnglandNewspaper and Press Association(NENPA) Hall of Famein 2019.avy eniioravvy S iorn oroa yavvyavyioriby Jim MillerHow to Choose a Walk-In BathtubDear Savvy Senior,Because of my back pain and mobility problems, I’m interested ingetting a walk-in bathtub that’s safe and easy to get in and out of.What all can you tell me about walk-in tubs, and can you recommendsome top options?Old and AchyDear Old,For mobility challenged seniors, a walk-in bathtub can be a terrifi coption to consider because they’re much easier to get into and out ofthan a standard tub, which also helps prevent falls. Here’s what youshould know, along with a reliable resource to help you choose one.Age-Friendly TubsWalk-in bathtubs are uniquely designed tubs that have a watertight,hinged door built into the side of the tub that provides a muchlower threshold to step over (usually 3 to 7 inches) versus a standardtub that’s around 15 inches.Most walk-in tubs have high sidewalls, usually between three andfour feet high, and are between 28 and 32 inches wide, but will fi tinto the same 60-inch-long space as your standard tub without havingto reconfi gure the room.In addition to the low threshold, most walk-in tubs also have abuilt-in seat, grab bars, anti-slip fl oors and anti-scald valves. Sometubs also come with handheld showerheads and quick drains (thatdrain the tub in under a minute), and many higher-end models offertherapeutic spa-like features that are great for seniors with arthritisand other ailments.The best kind of tub for you will depend on your needs, preferencesand budget, and the size and layout of your bathroom. But beaware that walk-in bathtubs are not cheap. Prices range anywherefrom $3,000 to $10,000 or more for the tub and installation costs.Insurance and AidBecause walk-in tubs are not considered durable medical equipment,original Medicare does not typically cover them nor do Medicaresupplemental (Medigap) policies, but some Medicare Advantageplans may help pay.If you’re receiving Medicaid, many states have Home and CommunityBased Services that may provide some assistance. Or, if you’rea disabled veteran, the VA has some home modifi cation grants thatmay help pay.There are also grants and loans available through the U.S. Departmentof Agriculture that help elderly, low-income residents of ruralareas make home modifi cations, which may be used to pay for awalk-in bathtub. And, depending on where you live, there may belocal programs that can help like Habitat for Humanity or RebuildingTogether.To fi nd out if these options are available in your area, contact yourArea Aging Agency (call 800-677-1116) or nearby center for independentliving (see, however, you can’t locate any fi nancial assistance and you can’taff ord to pay upfront for a walk-in tub, most manufacturers off er fi -nancing so you can make monthly payments. You should also knowthat if you’re using a walk-in tub for a specifi c medical condition, youmay also be able to deduct the costs of the tub from your taxes as amedical expense (see Walk-In BathtubsTo help you choose a walk-in bathtub the National Council on Aging,which is a national nonprofi t organization that advocates forolder Americans, put together a review team to research the diff erentcompanies and tubs. Their list of best walk-in bathtubs of 2024includes:• Best Walk-in Tub Overall: Ella Ultimate Walk-In Tub• Best Walk-in Tub with Shower: Kohler Walk-In Tub with ShowerPackage• Most Aff ordable Walk-in Tub: Ariel Walkin 3052 Soaker• Best Soaking Tub: American Standard Gelcoat Entry Series• Best Wheelchair-Accessible Tub: Ella Transfer• Best Walk-in Tub for Small Spaces: AmeriGlide Sanctuary 2646 WITSee for detailedreviews and product links.To get started, you should contact a few walk-in bathtub retailerswho can send a professional to your home to assess your bathroomand give you product options and estimates. Lowe’s and Home Depotalso off er free evaluations and a wide range of walk-in tub options.Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman,OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor tothe NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

Page 20THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024MUSINGS | FROM PAGE 18Call today and rrFREE SHOWER PPLUS $1600 OFFGE0 OFF1-844-609-10661With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previousywalk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must presentoffer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445~ School Bus Drivers Wanted ~7D Licensed School Bus DriversMalden Trans is looking for reliable drivers forthe new school year. We provide ongoing trainingand support for licensing requirements. Applicantpreferably lives local (Malden, Everett, Revere).Part-time positions available and based on AM &PM school hours....15-30 hours per week. Gooddriver history from Registry a MUST! If interested,please call David @ 781-322-9401.CDL SCHOOL BUS DRIVER WANTEDCompensation: $28/hourSchool bus transportation company seekingactive CDL drivers who live LOCALLY (Malden,Everett, Chelsea and immediate surroundingcommunities).- Applicant MUST have BOTH S and P endorsem*ntsas well as Massachusetts school bus certificate.Good driver history from Registry a MUST!-Part-time hours, BUT GUARANTEED 20-35HOURS PER WEEK depending on experience.Contact David @ which he had already donetwo shows, he expressed annoyanceat his crew when minorproblems developed withthe fi lm clips, microphone andspotlights.“He hadn’t fl own in from theCoast until Wednesday morningand shortly after did two shows,one in Boston and one in Framingham,prior to coming to Malden.And when he left Malden,he still had three more showsscheduled for Wednesday night.“His tight schedule allowed forno interruptions, by autographseekers or fans who wanted toshake hands. Even if he wantedto do an encore, time would nothave permitted.“As soon as the show was over,he darted through the wingsDiscount Tree Service781-269-0914Humane Removal ServiceCOMMONWEALTHWILDLIFE CONTROLANIMAL & BIRD REMOVALINCLUDING RODENTSCALL 617-285-0023Your Hometown News Delivered!EVERETT ADVOCATEMALDEN ADVOCATEREVERE ADVOCATESAUGUS ADVOCATEOne year subscription toThe Advocate of your choice:$175 per paper in-town per year or$225 per paper out-of-town per year.Name_________________________________________Address_______________________________________City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to:Advocate Newspapers Inc.PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONSBUYER1RODRIGUEZ, ANTHONY RBUYER2SELLER1CASALETTO, KATHRYN ASELLER2and out the side door waitingjust long enough to let his associatespave the way for him beforedisappearing once againinto the confi nes of his limo.“Again, the cheers went up asthe police held the crowds backand the star and his retinue wenton their merry way.”As Peter Falk’s iconic TV charProfessionalTREEREMOVAL&Cleanups24-HOUR SERVICEacter Columbo would say, “Justone more thing, sir” – fromthe more things change, themore they stay the same department– from the 1963Maldonian… “From theseroots come nearly 2,000 studentsto M.H.S. in 1962-63.And what are these roots beyondthe typical outline of abusy industrial city of 60,000people living in the shadowof Boston, ‘The Hub of New England?’They reach far back tothose days in the early 1600’swhen a sturdy little band fromSalem followed the narrowpath through the forest, nowknown as Salem Street, to establishMystic Side with itsmeeting house high on thehill where the huge bell attachedto the rock could berung to call them all togetherfor emergencies or worship.“Some of the residents haveancestors who fought in therevolutionary, civil, and worldwars, but most of them camehere during the great immigrations’in the early 1900’s. FromAdoniram Judson to RabbiCharles Weinberg in religion,from Elisha Converse to ChesterLawson in industry, fromCharles Daniels to ThorntonJenkins in education, from AlvinFuller to John Volpe in government,from Reverend MichaelWigglesworth to Henry MortonRobinson in literature, andcountless others who have influenced and brought fame toMalden. From all these roots westudents, representing almostevery nationality, race, and religion,come to M.H.S. from sevendistinct sections in the city.”My note: All were/are Maldoniansand as humorist/journalistHerb Caen once wrote, “A cityis not gauged by its length andwidth, but by the broadness ofits vision and the height of itsdreams.”Postscript: My note “tzaddiq”aka the righteous one. To becontinued.—Peter is a longtime Maldenresident and a regular contributorto The Malden Advocateand can be reached at PeteL39@aol.comfor comments,compliments or criticisms.Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The CommercialRecord, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher,The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and propertyinformation visit: VERNON STCITYMALDENDATE07.26.24PRICE835000SPECIAL OFFER

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Page 21For Advertising with Results,call The Advocate Newspapersat 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.netThe Kid DoesClean OutsFrom 1 item to 1,000* Basem*nts * Homes * Backyards* Commercial BuildingsThe cheapest prices around!Call Eric: (857) 322-28541. On Aug. 16, 1939, NYC’s Hippodrome Theatre closed;Harry Houdini made what circus animal named Jenniedisappear there?2. What is a celesta?3. Rich Uncle Pennybags, a game mascot, was renamedwhat that includes a game name?4. What food does not expire?5. On what TV series did Miss Kitty own the Long BranchSaloon in Dodge City?6. On Aug. 17, 1790, Newport, R.I.’s Hebrew Congregationcongratulated what offi cial (last name is the name of astate) on his visit to the city, who responded “to bigotryno sanction, to persecution no assistance”?7. What city-state imposes a dress code and modesty?8. On Aug. 18, 1992, what Boston Celtics leader retiredwho experienced three NBA championships?9. In what sport doyou lose when forced out of the ring oryou contact the ground (except for sole of the foot)?10. Trump cards in games originated in what game that hasa card called the Fool?11. At what meal in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”would you fi nd the Dormouse?12. On Aug. 19, 1950, ABC debuted its fi rst children’s morningtelevision shows: “Animal Clinic” and “AcrobatRanch”; what does ABC stand for?13. What English airport includes a Beatle’s name in itsname?AdvocateCall now!617-387-2200advertise on the web atwww.advocatenews.netClean-Outs!We take and disposefrom cellars, attics,garages, yards, etc.Call Robert at:781-844-0472* Crack Repairing * Pot Hole Filling* Striping Handicapped Spaces* Free EstimatesTom’s Seal CoatingCall Gary: 978-210-401214. August 20 is National Radio Day; who invented the fi rstcommercially availableradio?15. What periodic table element named for a planet hasthe symbol U?16. What is Aurora Australis otherwise known as?17. Where would you fi nd a bird in the game Clue?18. On Aug. 21, 1909, the Pilgrim Monument was fi nishedin what Cape Cod town?19. Gomez is the father in what TV family?20. On Aug. 22, 2007, the Texas Rangers defeated whatteam (with the name of a bird) 30-3?ANSWERS1. An elephant2. A musical instrument (alsocalled bell piano) soundinglike a glockenspiel3. Mr. Monopoly4. Honey5. “Gunsmoke”6. George Washington7. The Vatican8. Larry Bird9. Japanese sumo wrestling10. Tarot11. The Mad Hatter’s tea party12. American Broadcasting Company13.Liverpool John Lennon Airport14. Italian Guglielmo Marconi15. Uranium16. The Southern Lights17. Mrs. Peaco*ck18. Provincetown19. The Addams Family20. Baltimore OriolesClassifi eds

Page 22THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Licensed& InsuredFreeEstimatesCarpentry * Kitchen & Bath * Roofs * PaintingDecks * Siding * Carrijohomeimprovement.comCall 781-710-8918 * Saugus, MAGeneral Contractor * Interior & ExteriorAmerican Exterior andWindow CorporationContact us for all of yourhome improvement projectsand necessities.Call Jeff or BobToll Free: 1-888-744-1756617-699-1782 / www.americanexteriorma.comWindows, Siding, Roofing, Carpentry & More!All estimates, consultations or inspections completedby MA licensed supervisors. *Over 50 years experience.*Better Business Bureau Membership.Insured andRegisteredComplete Financing Available.No Money Down.AAA Service • LockoutsTrespass Towing • Roadside ServiceJunk Car Removal617-387-687726 Garvey St., EverettMDPU 28003 ICCMC 251976Frank BerardinoMA License 31811● 24-Hour Service● Emergency RepairsBERARDINOPlumbing & HeatingGas Fitting ● Drain ServiceResidential & Commercial Service617.699.9383Senior Citizen DiscountWASTE REMOVAL &BUILDING MAINTENANCE• Landscaping, Lawn Care, Mulching• Yard Waste & Rubbish Removal• Interior & Exterior Demolition (OldDecks, Fences, Pools, Sheds, etc.)• Appliance and Metal Pick-up• Construction and Estate Cleanouts• Pick-up Truck Load of Trashstarting at $169• CarpentryLICENSED & INSUREDCall for FREE ESTIMATES!Office: (781) 233-2244We follow Social Distancing Guidelines!FIRE • SOOT • WATERHomeowner’s Insurance Loss SpecialistsFREE CONSULTATION1-877-SAL-SOOTSal Barresi, Jr. - Your fi rst call617-212-9050J.F & Son ContractingSnow PlowingNo Job too small! Free Estimates!Commercial & Residential781-656-2078- Property management & maintenanceShoveling & removalLandscaping, Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Roofing, Carpentry, Framing,Decks, Fencing, Masonry, Demolition, Gut-outs, Junk Removal & Dispersal,Clean Ups: Yards, Garages, Attics & Basem*nts. Truck for Hire, Bobcat Services.SPADAFORAAUTO PARTSJUNK CARSWANTEDSAME DAY PICK UP781-324-1929Quality Used TiresMounted & InstalledUsed Auto Parts & BatteriesFamily owned & operated since 1946AdvocateCall now!617-387-2200advertise on the web atwww.advocatenews.netFor Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapersat 617-387-2200 or$$$$Classifieds

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 16, 2024Page 23CHARMING 8-ROOM HOME WITHSPACIOUS LIVING AND MODERNUPDATES NEAR BOSTON$599,000SERENE AND CHARMING HOMEON TREE-STUDDED LOT WITHMODERN COMFORTS$649,000ROOMMATE WANTED INCLEAN, QUIET HOME ON ESSEXSTREET, SAUGUSRoommate wanted in clean, quiet, private, convenient location on Essex StreetSaugus near MBTA 426 bus stop and very close to Rt. 1 and area amenitiessuch as walking trail, and park. This comfortable environment you will sharewith an active woman in her 60s. Your 10.5" x 11.5" bedroom has a good sizecloset, a bed, and a chair. You will share the bathroom, the fully appliance eatin kitchen. Wi FI and cable included. Off street parking included. Total moveincost is $2500 (1st month: $1000, security deposit: $1000, broker fee: $500).Prospective tenant must fill out standard rental application, provide records,and pay 32.95 for credit/background check. Showing by appointment only onSaturdays from 12 to 2 PM | We adhere to Fair Housing Guidelines. CallPeter 781-820-5690Welcome to this charming 8-room, 3-bedroom home, featuring a cozyfarmer's porch and spacious rooms. The first floor includes a livingroom, dining room with double sliding doors, kitchen, and a smallroom, plus front and rear mudrooms. Discover hardwood floors underthe carpet throughout. Upstairs, you'll find three bedrooms, anadditional room, and access to a walk-up attic for storage orexpansion. Enjoy outdoor living with a deck and driveway. Updatesinclude a new roof (2021), front stairs, and rear deck. Convenientlylocated near Boston, transportation, and the airport.RARE OPPORTUNITY: TWOSCENIC PARCELS ON WINTERST, SAUGUS FOR $995K$ 995,000Discover this charming home nestled on a beautiful, tree-studded lot.The first floor features a sunlit family room, perfect for gatherings, andan oak kitchen with gleaming hardwood floors. The main bedroom is atrue retreat with its own private balcony and his-and-her closets. With2.5 baths, a spacious deck for outdoor entertaining, and a convenientgarage, this home offers both comfort and functionality. Enjoy aserene, private setting with a set-back location, while still having easyaccess to all amenities. For more information, call, text, or emailChristina at 603-670-3353 or 2-BEDROOMAPARTMENT IN SAUGUS WITHPRIVATE YARD AND PARKING$2,900/monthOur Rockport, MA property is on the brink of achieving a full 5-star rating, thanks toour unwavering dedication and the fantastic feedback from our valued guests. Tokeep up the momentum, we're expanding our team and seeking passionateindividuals to join us as Smart Agents, Trainers, and Property Managers. What WeOffer: Competitive base pay plus cash incentives | Vacation pay for both full-timeand part-time employees. If you're eager to be part of our dynamic and growingteam, apply today! Visit us for more details: www.mangorealtyteam.comROCKPORT PROPERTY NEARS 5-STARSTATUS: JOIN OUR GROWING TEAM !Seize the opportunity to own two picturesque parcels on Winter St,Saugus offered together for $995,000. These adjoining propertiesprovide a unique chance to create your dream estate or investmentproject in a sought-after location. With serene surroundings and easyaccess to amenities, this exceptional package offers endlesspossibilities for discerning buyers. Don’t miss out on this rare chanceto make your mark in the real estate market.Spacious, private, is floor 2 b.r. apartment right on bus line in Saugus.2 generous bedrooms with great closet space. Large eat in kitchenwith ample cabinets and refrigerator. Large living room. This isequivalent to half a house. Beautiful fenced in yard, off street parkingfor 2 cars, laundry hook ups. Small pet allowed under 25 lbs. $2,900 /month. First, security and 1 month broker fee. Credit and backgroundcheck required. Call Peter 781-820-5690MANGO REALTY INCThe Team that Focuses on YOUFOR INQUIRIES, CONTACT US:781-558-1091 | |

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Malden Advocate  08/16/2024 (2024)
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